Reincarnation Is Enslavement by Greg Calise

Posted on August 27, 2013 Have you ever actually wondered Why we reincarnate? Why is it that we have such short lives, and, for the most part, the only spiritual paths are very dubious religions and teachers? Or why those religions are built upon hierarchal structures? Have you ever wondered why there is so much evil in the world? And why such evil people seem to become the leaders of men? And the big question concerning reincarnation: Why don’t we remember our past lives? How can we resolve our past if we don’t even remember it? We go through our lives with our past lives haunting us, yet we cannot see them. We carry the residual habits and traits from our former selves, yet […] Read More

The Final Trick of the Matrix Control System

Posted on March 23, 2014 When you pull back the curtain on all of the illusions, what you find is quite preposterous. It is so absurd, so far removed from what we perceive as reality, that not many people would ever believe it. It is beyond science fiction. “The truth is paradoxical to the extent of being exactly contrary to the usual perception.” – Georges Bataille Consider what actually lies behind that curtain. Behind the facades we perceive, are truths that are contrary to the perceived realities. It is not what we think it is. We have been trapped, enslaved for thousands of years, without us even realizing it. We are in a labyrinth of illusions, with gate keepers at every step. Sometime, long […] Read More