Wait … Did CP3O Always Have Silver Leg?

In the original Star Wars did CP3O have a silver leg? He did now. Excuse the swearing in this video, but it pretty much captures the incredulity many feel about what seems to be a significant factual change: [embedded content] If you have the bandwidth to do try this on, consider that what you are experiencing as “your life” might be a simulation, perhaps created by the quantum computer offspring of artificial intelligences which humans created in the past … before humans went extinct. The idea is that something called “the singularity” happened, super robots took over the earth and for one reason or another, we are now living in their game. If that is the case, we’d expect seemingly impossible things to happen […] Read More

Are quantum computers proof of multiple universes?

Quantum computers may be 100 million times more powerful than today’s computers and they may do that by computing results simultaneously in multiple universes. Really? Google and Nasa announced they were collaborating on the D-Wave X2 quantum computer, which they say is 100 million times faster than a conventional computer chip, in 2013. It can answer certain algorithms in seconds rather than years. Google director of engineering, Hartmut Neven, said: “For a specific, carefully crafted proof-of-concept problem we achieve a 100-million-fold speed-up.” … Representing information in qubits allows the information to be processed in ways that have no equivalent in classical computing, taking advantage of phenomena such as quantum tunneling and quantum entanglement.  As such, quantum computers may theoretically be able to solve certain […] Read More

Robot Invasions to smash your living room

Microsoft presents a new HoloLens gaming demo (at some new Microsoft operating system device’s conference ;-)). Also they update on release date and give some numbers! The new demo “Project X-Ray” was of course another eye-candy eye-catching presentation! After presenting AR-MineCraft the last time they show another entertainment & gaming application for their device that’s supposed to change the whole world of computing (leading to holographic computing anywhere without dedicated screens). But today it was a casual game for your own living room (or any room). Your hand is suited up with some wearable gun hologram (pretty cool and stable) and you move freely (as usual no wires) through your own space. Suddenly walls burst open and some robot invasion takes place (well, compare […] Read More

Identify Your Agent Smith In The Matrix

The time has come to identify the force that works through the unconsciousness infiltrating the consciousness of everyone involved. Agent Smith is everywhere! People on Earth hold the greatest power; it is this power that has been manipulated by an unseen force that survives through the unconsciousness. Understanding Agent Smith Agent Smith is a character from the Matrix trilogy that always tries to stop the efforts of the ones fighting with the illusion of the false veil, which was cloaked to blind everyone from the truth. The title of this article might sound like a cliché but it is the greatest example I have for getting the message across. Agent Smith can also manifest spontaneously, anywhere and out of anyone! I am not saying that […] Read More

2015: How Much Time Do Americans Spend Plugged Into The Matrix Every Day?

Michael Snyder The average American spends more than 10 hours a day using an electronic device.  And most of that activity is not even interactive.  The vast majority of the time we are just passively absorbing content that someone else has created.  This very much reminds me of the movie The Matrix, but with a twist. Instead of humans being forcefully connected to “the Matrix”, we are all willingly connecting ourselves to it. There is a giant system that defines our reality for us, and the length of time that the average American spends connected to it just continues to keep growing.  In fact, there are millions upon millions of us that simply do not “feel right” unless there is at least something on […] Read More

Embracing Virtuality

In 2009, a Japanese man married a woman named Nene Anegasaki on the island of Guam.  The curious thing was that Nene was a virtual character in the Nintendo videogame LovePlus. In 2013, Spike Jonze directed the highly acclaimed (and Academy Award nominated) film “Her”, in which the protagonist falls in love with an OS (operating system) AI (artificial intelligence). Outrageous you say? Consider that for centuries people have been falling in love sight unseen via snail mail.  Today, with online dating, this is even more prevalent.  Philosophy professor Aaron Ben-Ze’ev notes that online technology “enables having a connection that is faster and more direct.” So it got me thinking that these types of relationships aren’t that different from the virtual ones that are […] Read More

Company Creates Robotic Toddler to Help Us Like Our Future Overlords

Across the globe from the uncanny valley that is Diego-san’s facial expressions, the University of Zurich’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory making another weird foray into the creation of a robot toddler. Roboy is being developing with the help of crowd-funding,, sponsorships and almost 40 engineers and scientists. Just like its weaker, fleshy, real-life inspiration, Roboy’s design gestation is going to take about 9 months to full completion. Roboy is being developed to ease people into actually living with robots and not being creeped out by them. Roboy’s face was chosen during a Facebook contest. Its body is made entirely of plastic and will be covered with a fleshy, rubber-like material to simulate skin. Unlike typical robot movement mechanisms, Roboy will feature elastic cables pulled by […] Read More

Is Reality a Simulation Game?

by Francois Tremblay (e-mail: FTremblay@liberator.net) [October 9th, 2002] Various schools of thought have proposed the idea that our world is mere appearance, and that there is some kind of underlying mystical truth that can explain everything. “[I]t is probable that we are part of the simulations of the human species from the future: we are nothing but a reproduction of the state of Earth as programmed by the real, technologically-advanced humans.” For example, religious mystics propose that it is the supernatural that is the true reality, meditators propose the absence of thought as a profoundly significant state of being, Idealist philosophers propose a “realm of ideas” which is the true reality, promoters of Near-Death Experiences propose that the NDE is the higher reality, and […] Read More