2017: Easily Create Lucid Dreams By Doing These Things

Via The Mind Unleashed Lucid dreaming is beyond bizarre to most of us. You are asleep and dreaming yet you know you are dreaming, and many lucid dreamers can affect actions and outcomes in dreams just like they do during waking moments. Only in dreams, you can do much more fantastical things – bend steel, fly, stop bullets, and finally talk to that girl at the coffee shop that always makes you so nervous.  We already know that lucid dreamers have some of the highest brain wave frequencies on the planet, but what if you could induce a lucid dreaming state – known for helping to drastically change your waking life – simply by applying the right electrical current at the right frequency to […] Read More

2015: Technocracy and the Scientific Matrix

by Jon Rappoport July 27, 2015 “The creative power of the individual is downplayed or even viewed as ‘injuring the group.’ This is no accident. The whole basis of a controlled society depends on people seeing themselves as powerless and surrendering to ‘the needs of the collective.’ This amounts to a political religion—but these days, it’s ridiculously dressed up as Science, as if collectivism were a series of formulas derived from physics and biology.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport) As my readers know, I write a great about imagination, the individual, and independent thought. Some might think these “issues” are peripheral to the elite takeover of the planet, but in fact they are central. Let’s start here. As author Patrick Wood makes clear, technocracy is […] Read More