The Occult Definition of Battery: How Humans are Used as Batteries

When we think of a battery, we often think of an object that stores electrical energy for powering electronic devices. This common definition of battery only shows us the overt meaning of battery. To find its deeper meanings, you need to know how the word battery is used in other subjects, such as law, business, and commerce. Once you know the relation of the word battery to law, business, and commerce, you will know what I mean when I say that in the occult world, the word battery is sometimes used to describe the process of harnessing the energy of slave workers. The Overt Definitions of the Word Battery As a noun, defines the word battery as “a combination of two or more cells electrically connected to work together to produce […] Read More

How Memory Turns You Into A Battery for the Matrix

In order to manifest your own reality, you must not place your stories from the hologram in the NOW, because what you will end up with, is the limit of your own programming. Basically, your experience becomes filtered to fit you. Ask yourself, who would you be if all your memories had been stripped away from you? Memory in computer processing and memory inside the mind, both serve the same function: they allow you to continue where you had left off. It grants the ability to write a story from start to end  — a story that arises out of time, needs memory attached to time. The possibility for learning is also enabled by memory. For a computer it is useful, as programmed input […] Read More