The Matter-Antimatter ‘Angel Particle’ Has Been Discovered

If science was a soap opera, the theoretical Angle Particle would make the perfect mysterious ‘is he good or bad?’ character because it could play both matter and antimatter. Well, get your scripts ready and hire a casting agent because the Angel Particle is real and ready for its close-ups. Scientists in California (where else?) have successfully created a particle that is both matter and antimatter … and all without annihilating the universe. Will this be the science show that finally knocks “The Big Bang Theory” out of its number one spot? Like any good mystery drama, this one needs some exposition. One aspect of the real big bang theory is that the universe was made of equal amounts of matter and antimatter. In […] Read More

Experts Abuzz About Possible Discovery That Would All but Upend Most Basic Understanding of Physics

Scientists around the globe are revved up with excitement as the world’s biggest atom smasher — best known for revealing the Higgs boson four years ago — starts whirring again to churn out data that may confirm cautious hints of an entirely new particle. Such a discovery would all but upend the most basic understanding of physics, experts say. The European Center for Nuclear Research, or CERN by its French-language acronym, has in recent months given more oomph to the machinery in a 27-kilometer (17-mile) underground circuit along the French-Swiss border known as the Large Hadron Collider. In a surprise development in December, two separate LHC detectors each turned up faint signs that could indicate a new particle, and since then theorizing has been […] Read More

Time Travel: John Titor’s Startling Predictions

by OLIVER WILLIAMS Time Travel: John Titor’s Startling Predictions Is it possible to travel back in time? A man calling himself John Titor claims it is. In fact, Titor says that he is a time traveler from the year 2036. These pronouncements and others were made on various Internet forums and chat rooms from November 2000 to March 2001, ending when Titor went back to the future—or so the story goes. Since then a cult industry has sprung up, attracting the attention of tens of thousands of Web surfers, both true believers and naysayers. Why are you posting messages on the Internet? JOHN TITOR: I’ve been trying to alert anyone to the possibility of a civil war in the United States. To see it […] Read More