HITLER’S POSITIVE CHRISTIANITY…Unleashing the Patriotic Church

NEVER IN AMERICA? This article was written by one of German ancestry whose forebears on his mother’s side can be traced to Martin Luther himself; thence, the incessant interest in the rise of Adolf Hitler and, in particular (through years of research) the under girding support he derived in his ascendancy from the Christian religion in the heart of Europe. How could this possibly happen? Alas! Could we in America be as deceitfully predisposed to such a malevolent curse—driven by the same demons? Do we today witness camouflaged strategies designed to accomplish a greater horror of unimaginable consequence and upon Christendom of like vulnerability? The remotest thought of such an evil plot akin to what seduced the German people could somehow be foisted upon […] Read More

2012: HITLER’S POSITIVE CHRISTIANITY…Unleashing the Patriotic Church

NEVER IN AMERICA? This article was written by one of German ancestry whose forebears on his mother’s side can be traced to Martin Luther himself; thence, the incessant interest in the rise of Adolf Hitler and, in particular (through years of research) the undergirding support he derived in his ascendancy from the Christian religion in the heart of Europe. How could this possibly happen? Alas! Could we in America be as deceitfully predisposed to such a malevolent curse—driven by the same demons? Do we today witness camouflaged strategies designed to accomplish a greater horror of unimaginable consequence and upon Christendom of like vulnerability? The remotest thought of such an evil plot akin to what seduced the German people could somehow be foisted upon our […] Read More