The CIA Has a Secret Time Travel Program

by ufoholic Portals are found in many books, movies and video games. Some of them are links between distant places, others travel back or forward in time, and the most powerful ones lead into different dimensions. Most people presume that these gateways exist only in the realm of science fiction, but there are some who strongly support the idea that portals have been opened in ancient times and quite possibly in the present days as well. According to two National Security US Informants, the Department of Defense developed time travel technology over 45 years ago. As early as 1967, the US government possessed a fully operational time travel machinery built on the quantum access researched by Tesla. This technology has been used in order […] Read More

The Purpose of Human Life!

We are Spiritual Beings on a Human Journey. All Spiritual Beings are aspects of Manifested Creation. Manifested Creation is Consciousness Evolving to higher Levels of Awareness. The Purpose of Human Life on Planet Earth is to give Human Souls the opportunity to live in physical bodies and by means of this process awaken them to higher levels of awareness. The ultimate state of human awareness is the Christ Consciousness or Buddhahood. This is the highest state of awareness possible for human beings. To raise more than 30 billion Human Souls to this level is the task of many Co-Creators and Higher Entities. They are in charge of this planet and its population. To raise these Human Souls to maturity and beyond is an enormous […] Read More