How Memory Turns You Into A Battery for the Matrix

In order to manifest your own reality, you must not place your stories from the hologram in the NOW, because what you will end up with, is the limit of your own programming. Basically, your experience becomes filtered to fit you. Ask yourself, who would you be if all your memories had been stripped away from you? Memory in computer processing and memory inside the mind, both serve the same function: they allow you to continue where you had left off. It grants the ability to write a story from start to end  — a story that arises out of time, needs memory attached to time. The possibility for learning is also enabled by memory. For a computer it is useful, as programmed input […] Read More

Comments on the Possibilist Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, aka Models vs. Reality

Reality is what it is. Everything else is just a model. From Plato to Einstein to random humans like myself, we are all trying to figure out what makes this world tick. Sometimes I think I get it pretty well, but I know that I am still a product of my times, and therefore my view of reality is seen through the lens of today’s technology and state of scientific advancement. As such, I would be a fool to think that I have it all figured out. As should everyone else. At one point in our recent past, human scientific endeavor wasn’t so humble. Just a couple hundred years ago, we thought that atoms were the ultimate building blocks of reality and everything could […] Read More

20 Signs You’re Caught up In the Matrix

Morpheus: “You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” –The Matrix Whether you are aware of it or not, many in the West are born, grow, and die a slave to the Matrix. The 1999 movie of the same name starring Keanu Reeves questions what is real and what is simulated reality. While purely a fictitious work by the Wachowskis brothers, the movie touches on themes which challenge the current model of society and points to the problem of indoctrination and a lack of awareness amongst the populace. In search of answers, the mild-mannered Neo, a computer programmer, meets […] Read More

Resisting the Matrix is Encoded in Your DNA

Reacting and resisting the matrix is in your DNA, because your ancestors — unknowingly — fought the invisible system, no matter what it threw at them. The time has come to let go. by Arno Pienaar, Dreamcatcher Reality Without reaction, there is no problem. Reaction is the start of any problem. In fact, reacting is the problem, for without it there can be no chain reaction to even more problems. It sounds so easy to just stop reacting to all the bumps and curveballs thrown at you by the matrix, isn’t it? But even when you think about not reacting it’s already too late, as you have, in fact, already reacted. And the thought that you should not react to a matrix-created situation is […] Read More

The Collective Unconscious Mind and Beyond

The collective unconscious mind and beyond are two separate states we co-exist in, learning not to depend on the mind is the mighty step to exit the matrix. by Arno Pienaar, What the collective unconscious is The collective unconscious mind in the very same mind you are part of and think from. It is the only mind that you, in fact, can think from and it is connected to every mind that thinks on the planet. Whatever the signature of your vibrational rate is, it determines the source of your download of unconscious data. This is what makes us appear individually unique and divided on this plane. We all choose to embody different aspects of the complete server, a little bit of this, […] Read More

Identify Your Agent Smith In The Matrix

The time has come to identify the force that works through the unconsciousness infiltrating the consciousness of everyone involved. Agent Smith is everywhere! People on Earth hold the greatest power; it is this power that has been manipulated by an unseen force that survives through the unconsciousness. Understanding Agent Smith Agent Smith is a character from the Matrix trilogy that always tries to stop the efforts of the ones fighting with the illusion of the false veil, which was cloaked to blind everyone from the truth. The title of this article might sound like a cliché but it is the greatest example I have for getting the message across. Agent Smith can also manifest spontaneously, anywhere and out of anyone! I am not saying that […] Read More

Quantum Phase: Time, Parallel Realities and the Brain

Brendan D. Murphy, Guest Waking Times The ‘Many Worlds’ Theory The eminent physicist and co-founder of string theory, Michio Kaku, has actually said: “[I]f you have a radio in your living room… and you have all frequencies in your living room; BBC, Radio Moscow, ABC, but your radio is tuned to one frequency — you’re decohered from all the other frequencies. You’re only coherent [wave phase and amplitude in alignment; either exactly or in whole number ratios] with one frequency. We now believe that the universe is vibrating and that there are vibrations of other universes right in this room. There are the universes of dinosaurs because the comet didn’t hit 65 million years ago; the wave function of aliens from outer space looking […] Read More

Embracing Virtuality

In 2009, a Japanese man married a woman named Nene Anegasaki on the island of Guam.  The curious thing was that Nene was a virtual character in the Nintendo videogame LovePlus. In 2013, Spike Jonze directed the highly acclaimed (and Academy Award nominated) film “Her”, in which the protagonist falls in love with an OS (operating system) AI (artificial intelligence). Outrageous you say? Consider that for centuries people have been falling in love sight unseen via snail mail.  Today, with online dating, this is even more prevalent.  Philosophy professor Aaron Ben-Ze’ev notes that online technology “enables having a connection that is faster and more direct.” So it got me thinking that these types of relationships aren’t that different from the virtual ones that are […] Read More

Neuroscientist Describes Documented Cases Of Humans “Flying” Outside Of Their Body

Scientific knowledge is expanding every day at an exponential rate, and the implications of new developments, particularly those that challenge the current framework regarding the true nature of reality, are far-reaching indeed. One area that continues to become a focal point of study for many physicians and neuroscientists is the relationship between mind, brain, and consciousness. Is the brain a receiver of consciousness, or is consciousness a product of the brain? Although science has not yet shown with absolute certainty that consciousness exists separately from our physical organs, there is a lot of evidence (both anecdotal and scientific) which indicates that consciousness is something completely separate – that it continues on even after we have deceased, that it is and can be a separate “thing” from the brain. […] Read More

Macroscopic Coherence Explained

Coherence is a general property of a system whereby the components of that system all act in a similar manner. Coherent light is what makes lasers what they are – an alignment of photons, or waveform phases (why cats chase them is a little harder to explain). Superconductivity, a property of zero resistance to electrical flow that was formerly only observed at temperatures near absolute zero, is closely related in that the atoms of the superconducting material are aligned coherently. Quantum entanglement is an example of perfect coherence between two or more particles, in that they act as a single particle no matter how far away from each other you take them. Einstein famously referred to this property as “spooky action at a distance.” […] Read More