2014: “Consciousness Creates Reality” – Physicists Admit The Universe Is Immaterial, Mental & Spiritual

“Consciousness creates reality,” a statement that has gained a lot of attention across various alternative media outlets around the world. Make no mistake, consciousness has (and has been for quite some time) studied by numerous scientists, especially in its relation to quantum physics and how it might be correlated with the nature of our reality. What is consciousness? Consciousness includes a number of things. It’s how we perceive our world, our thoughts, being aware, our intentions and more. “Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking in the radio for the announcer.” – Nasseim Haramein The statement that “consciousness creates reality” comes with a number of different questions. Does this mean we as individuals (and on a collective level as one human race) […] Read More

“Consciousness Creates Reality” – Physicists Admit The Universe Is Immaterial, Mental & Spiritual

“Consciousness creates reality,” a statement that has gained a lot of attention across various alternative media outlets around the world. Make no mistake, consciousness has (and has been for quite sometime) studied by numerous scientists, especially in its relation to quantum physics and how it might be correlated with the nature of our reality. What is consciousness? Consciousness includes a number of things. It’s how we perceive our world, our thoughts, being aware, our intentions and more. “Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking in the radio for the announcer.” – Nasseim Haramein The statement that “consciousness creates reality” comes with a number of different questions. Does this mean we as individuals (and on a collective level as one human race) can […] Read More

When science deals with Déjà Vu

Science doesn’t believe in astral travel, and tries to give an empirical explanation for Déjà Vu. For example, we have the Dual Processing Theory, which says our memory uses two systems: one that retrieves the information and another one of familiarity (it indicates whether we have seen, heard, smelled, etc., something), so the déjà vu would happen when the second is active, but not the first. However, recent studies achieved to recreate it in a lab and they found out where it starts. So far, the unpredictable and fleeting nature of this phenomenon had made it impossible to be studied in a laboratory. Dr. Chris Moulin and the University of Leeds (UK) have succeeded provoking through hypnosis, so they can study its relation with the process of memory […] Read More

Objective vs. Subjective Reality

Today’s blog is one part rehash of an ancient dilemma that has puzzled and divided philosophers and scientists for millennia and two parts The Universe – Solved! First a couple definitions… Objective Reality – a reality that completely exists independent of any conscious entity to observe it. Subjective Reality – what we perceive. As it is well known, subjective reality is “subject” to an elaborate set of filters, any one of which can modify a perception of that reality; sensory apparatus (e.g. the rods and cones in our eyes), sensory processing (e.g. the visual cortex), higher level brain function, and psychological factors (e.g. expectations). As such, what one person experiences is always different than what any other person experiences, but usually in subtle ways. […] Read More

How A Mirror Can Help You Realize Something Very Important About Yourself

Thought provoking theories are what I am drawn towards, and we are in a period of existence where many thought provoking theories are gaining more and more recognition as being true. Science has always been behind, because science needs proof, yet this is the exact reason why science is always behind. Consciousness is and always will come before science! We all have probably heard that saying: “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being SELF-EVIDENT.” Self evident is capitalized because this is the most important factor, one must go through the personal experience to know this quote to be true. Looking back into our history (everything is HERE and NOW, so […] Read More

Is Nature A Gateway To Understanding The Secrets Of The Universe?

Any individual or organization that discourages or prohibits inquiry into nature, science, or the cosmos, should immediately cause red flags to rise, for the only reason for doing so is to subvert attention away from an opaque agenda. If you become Nature’s lover, Nature will surely give up all of its secrets to you… Family is a metaphor for the fractal organization of the Universe. Your inbreath and outbreath mirror the toroidal energy field that embodies the paradoxical material/non-materiality of every “object.” Weather patterns are resonant energy patterns of polarity that affect the planet similarly to how your mood can change inexplicably as resonant energy patterns move around you… Einstein, Tesla, Emerson, Thoreau and DiVinci are just a few who have revealed that Nature […] Read More

Maps: A Symbolic Representation – Mental Overlay On Reality

One of the more dramatic ways to see the effect of the mind upon our perception of reality is with our knowledge and understanding of the earth itself. Now after our trips into space, viewed from space we have a familiar image of Earth’s topography. But the human mind does not stop there; to understand reality “better” we have divided the globe into lines of latitude and longitude, enabling us to better navigate its surface. But of course actual “lines” of latitude and longitude do not exist in “reality” –just in our mental overlay onto the reality of what exists within our perception of nature. Similarly the “borders” that we have superimposed onto the planet to divide us into nations and states do not actually […] Read More

You Can Transform Your Own Consciousness, It’s Your Choice

The weather seems like a poignant reminder of how if we change ourselves, then we change the world. A lot of conversation I’ve been privy to recently has revolved around how bad or terrible this hot weather is. There seems to be an air of irritation and non-acceptance of it; wishing it to be different. But do we have any control over the weather? Do we even have any control over how the body reacts to this temperature? The ‘hotness’ and ‘uncomfortableness’ of the body occurs all by itself. We don’t control a single thing. All we can ever do is change how we relate to ‘what is’. The weather is hot, the body gets warm – it’s actually a really interesting sensation to […] Read More

2014: Facticity: Once You Have Named Something You Will Never Again Truly See It

Facts are our labels to explain nature. The occurrence in the image above has been called a “galaxy.” Facticity is a term coined by Phenomenologists (philosophers who influenced Existentialists like Sartre and Camus) to more directly address what is. The image above is not a galaxy; it is a snapshot of an immense grouping of what we call “stars” that we have conceptually identified as a “galaxy.”  No “galaxy” exists in Nature outside of our brains. Phenomenology deals with only what we know for sure. We know we exist. We know that there are perceptions, feelings, and thoughts.  We do not know, but rather surmise, that there is a separate self because we observe (have perceptions of) the phenomena of other similar selves who presumably also […] Read More

Manifestation & How To Draw Positive Energy Into Your Life

I wanted to speak with you like-minded individuals on something that has been transforming my life in ways I never thought imaginable. In light of the Spring Equinox on March 20th, I created a habit. This consisted of simply making a list of 10 things you would like to see occur in your life. Things you have always wanted to do or experience. After these 10 things have been written out, identify 1 to 3 things you can do on a daily basis to get a little bit closer to achieving these goals! Very simple, right? Every night, I have additionally been saying to myself a mantra I found across the internet: “I pray and ask for positive healing energy to come into my […] Read More