NASA sounds red alert over solar flare that nearly wiped out human civilisation two summers ago

(NaturalNews) The news you are about to read should be front page news everywhere. There is arguably nothing more important to humanity’s survival than the alarming facts presented in this report from NASA, yet most of the world pretends this event never happened in 2012, and they falsely assume it won’t happen again. They are wrong. According to shocking new research published by NASA, each decade there is roughly a 12% chance of a near-wipeout of humanity’s high-tech civilization. In fact, one such event nearly wiped out technology across the planet during the summer of 2012. “A powerful coronal mass ejection (CME) tore through Earth orbit on July 23, 2012,” reports (1) “If the eruption had occurred only one week earlier, Earth would […] Read More

NASA’s New Coronal Mass Ejection Close-Up Will Melt Your Brain

Image: Sunspot/NASA If one were to land on the Sun in some mythical spacecraft resistant to two million or so degrees Fahrenheit, they might be surprised at the temperatures encountered. Passing through the upper layers of said star, our solar passenger would find temperatures plummeting as they came closer and closer to the boiling plasma surface, from many millions of degrees in the Sun’s upper atmosphere to a mere 10,000 or so degrees Fahrenheit as they entered the Sun’s “interior.” As solar material is ejected from that interior, it gains energy and heats up as it moves outward into space. The atmospheric zones where this heating occurs are the chromosphere and the transition region. Together they form a volatile and rather mysterious zone of […] Read More