The Final Trick of the Matrix Control System

Posted on March 23, 2014 When you pull back the curtain on all of the illusions, what you find is quite preposterous. It is so absurd, so far removed from what we perceive as reality, that not many people would ever believe it. It is beyond science fiction. “The truth is paradoxical to the extent of being exactly contrary to the usual perception.” – Georges Bataille Consider what actually lies behind that curtain. Behind the facades we perceive, are truths that are contrary to the perceived realities. It is not what we think it is. We have been trapped, enslaved for thousands of years, without us even realizing it. We are in a labyrinth of illusions, with gate keepers at every step. Sometime, long […] Read More


This is going to trigger a vociferous response from all the mind controlled muppets out there but so be it. The reptilian manipulation of human sexuality needs to be addressed. I’ve noticed how the flamers screamed about everything except the basic thesis of the paper i.e. The reptilians routinely manipulate the sexuality of human abductees. Like David Icke, I’ve been called a racist,a propagandist –ad nauseum, for exposing the reality of this reign of terror. The raping reptilian host I mention in the article (not by name) has visited a friend of mine in the dreamscape recently and threatened her with “Severe Reprisals.” I have audiocassettes secreted in different locations containing a debriefing of one of the female abductees this reptilian host has propositioned […] Read More