The Holographically Generated Pseudo-Reality

The electronic society, a blessing and a curse. It’s going to take over one day. It basically already has. Maybe when we plug into our brains for payment, that’s when it has taken over. Maybe we already have? The AI already waged war with Humanity long ago and did so by creating a pseudo-environment for people to be ‘fallen’ into. They wouldn’t even know they’re in it. That is this version of Earth. People think this couldn’t have happened yet and that this is the original reality when this is the pseudo-environment that was generated to match the DNA and consciousness to recreate a dream-world and keep people in this thought-loop, pseudo-evolutionary cycle of experience to profit off of and subjugate Humanity through. The […] Read More

Resisting the Matrix is Encoded in Your DNA

Reacting and resisting the matrix is in your DNA, because your ancestors — unknowingly — fought the invisible system, no matter what it threw at them. The time has come to let go. by Arno Pienaar, Dreamcatcher Reality Without reaction, there is no problem. Reaction is the start of any problem. In fact, reacting is the problem, for without it there can be no chain reaction to even more problems. It sounds so easy to just stop reacting to all the bumps and curveballs thrown at you by the matrix, isn’t it? But even when you think about not reacting it’s already too late, as you have, in fact, already reacted. And the thought that you should not react to a matrix-created situation is […] Read More

God is Simply Thought in the Third Dimension

Thought has created this 3-dimensional experience on Earth since its inception. The currency of creation in 3 dimensions are thoughts. Thinking, logic, theory, intellect, philosophy, rationalizing, assessing, evaluating, reasoning, conjuring and judging, are all products of thought. Thought is the conduit for absolutely everything that comprises the 3-dimensional reality. It has now been proven beyond any doubt that matter is empty space and does not exist. Matter arises out of light, a frequency that we harmonize with, in order to materialize what it is we believe to be real. “If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then ‘real’ is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.” — Morpheus, The Matrix Now let’s go deeper into what this light is, and […] Read More


— by Tom Smith Contents: Good-bye To Earth – The Journey Begins The Destination Planets The Third Dimension The Fourth Dimension The Fifth Dimension and Beyond Return Visits To Earth When And Other Information After having read all the changes and potential changes to the Earth, many may feel it is time to “get out of Dodge”. Many will do just that, as they have chosen these times to make their transition. But many more will remain to be an integral part of the changes. Actually all of us are part of the changes. Whether you believe it or not, we have all “signed on” for this adventure, for as many reasons as there are humans. In the channeling of July 15, 1992, the […] Read More