The Holographically Generated Pseudo-Reality

The electronic society, a blessing and a curse. It’s going to take over one day. It basically already has. Maybe when we plug into our brains for payment, that’s when it has taken over. Maybe we already have? The AI already waged war with Humanity long ago and did so by creating a pseudo-environment for people to be ‘fallen’ into. They wouldn’t even know they’re in it. That is this version of Earth. People think this couldn’t have happened yet and that this is the original reality when this is the pseudo-environment that was generated to match the DNA and consciousness to recreate a dream-world and keep people in this thought-loop, pseudo-evolutionary cycle of experience to profit off of and subjugate Humanity through. The […] Read More

The Matrix – Final Explicit Disclosure

Everyone has at least one of these Matrix-agents in their lives — you can deny it as much as you like, the truth of the matter is that your denial is proof of your ignorance. by Arno Pienaar What is an agent exactly, in the real matrix, digital hologram of the mind? An agent is somebody that is mind-centered and running on embedded programming from the reality we are in. You may say they are permanently run by the mind, the me, the named entity, or the ego. They have no comprehension that there is anything greater and divine to their very own existence, so unfortunately they are a victim to themselves and a perpetrator to everyone else around them, due to the severe […] Read More

Resisting the Matrix is Encoded in Your DNA

Reacting and resisting the matrix is in your DNA, because your ancestors — unknowingly — fought the invisible system, no matter what it threw at them. The time has come to let go. by Arno Pienaar, Dreamcatcher Reality Without reaction, there is no problem. Reaction is the start of any problem. In fact, reacting is the problem, for without it there can be no chain reaction to even more problems. It sounds so easy to just stop reacting to all the bumps and curveballs thrown at you by the matrix, isn’t it? But even when you think about not reacting it’s already too late, as you have, in fact, already reacted. And the thought that you should not react to a matrix-created situation is […] Read More

Maps: A Symbolic Representation – Mental Overlay On Reality

One of the more dramatic ways to see the effect of the mind upon our perception of reality is with our knowledge and understanding of the earth itself. Now after our trips into space, viewed from space we have a familiar image of Earth’s topography. But the human mind does not stop there; to understand reality “better” we have divided the globe into lines of latitude and longitude, enabling us to better navigate its surface. But of course actual “lines” of latitude and longitude do not exist in “reality” –just in our mental overlay onto the reality of what exists within our perception of nature. Similarly the “borders” that we have superimposed onto the planet to divide us into nations and states do not actually […] Read More

The Plan to Turn Elephants Into Woolly Mammoths Is Already Underway

Image: Flickr/V.H. Hammer A man charged with thinking outside the box to solve huge societal problems with game-changing ideas at one of the world’s most innovative companies stood on stage at a future tech conference in Washington DC last weekend and told a genetic scientist that he “would love to be alive to see a woolly mammoth.” The genetic scientist looked back at him and laughed. “What, are you sick?” he asked. The implication of the exchange, between Google X’s Richard DeVaul and Stewart Brand, a de-extinction expert, was clear: There’s a mission to bring back one of history’s most famous animals, it’s already underway, and it’s closer to becoming a reality than even some of the most forward-looking minds think it is. For all the […] Read More

The 432Hz ‘God’ Note: Why Fringe Audiophiles Want to Topple Standard Tuning

Image: Shutterstock The first time Ivan Yanakiev heard an instrument tuned to 432 Hertz, he says, it was like he’d heard God speak. In the men’s dressing room at the Musical Drama Theatre Konstantin Kisimov in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, Yanakiev, a young, National Academy-schooled conductor, had his friend, Velimir, tune his cello down eight Hz from the standard A=440Hz. They were arranging an experiment. Velimir, “a skilled cellist,” Yanakiev told me, started in on the prelude to Bach’s “Cello Suite No. 1 in G major.” “So, la, si, so, si so, si, so/ So, la, si, so, si, so, si, so,” Yanakiev sings to illustrate. It’s one of the most often performed and well known pieces by Bach, but in that backroom rendition, transposed not even […] Read More

2014: Facticity: Once You Have Named Something You Will Never Again Truly See It

Facts are our labels to explain nature. The occurrence in the image above has been called a “galaxy.” Facticity is a term coined by Phenomenologists (philosophers who influenced Existentialists like Sartre and Camus) to more directly address what is. The image above is not a galaxy; it is a snapshot of an immense grouping of what we call “stars” that we have conceptually identified as a “galaxy.”  No “galaxy” exists in Nature outside of our brains. Phenomenology deals with only what we know for sure. We know we exist. We know that there are perceptions, feelings, and thoughts.  We do not know, but rather surmise, that there is a separate self because we observe (have perceptions of) the phenomena of other similar selves who presumably also […] Read More

Junk DNA: An interdimensional doorway to transformation?

Posted on Wednesday, 5 October, 2011 Columnist: Brendan D. Murphy The placebo effect and mind-body connection are well-documented phenomena and well known in the public arena today. What isn?t so well known, however, is that since the 1990s, a genuine scientific framework for understanding the power of suggestion, intention and belief has been developing. In the 1990s, a team of Russian linguists lead by Dr. Peter Gariaev discovered that the genetic code in ‘junk’ (or ‘potential’) DNA—which accounts for a whopping 97-8% of our overall genome—follows uniform grammar and usage rules virtually identical to those of human language. It turns out that the ‘junk’ was laden with the intimations of intelligence, purpose and meaning. This ground-breaking research followed J. Delrow’s discovery in 1990 that the […] Read More

2011: Junk DNA: An interdimensional doorway to transformation?

Posted on Wednesday, 5 October, 2011 Columnist: Brendan D. Murphy The placebo effect and mind-body connection are well-documented phenomena and well known in the public arena today. What isn?t so well known, however, is that since the 1990s, a genuine scientific framework for understanding the power of suggestion, intention and belief has been developing. In the 1990s, a team of Russian linguists lead by Dr. Peter Gariaev discovered that the genetic code in ‘junk’ (or ‘potential’) DNA—which accounts for a whopping 97-8% of our overall genome—follows uniform grammar and usage rules virtually identical to those of human language. It turns out that the ‘junk’ was laden with the intimations of intelligence, purpose and meaning. This ground-breaking research followed J. Delrow’s discovery in 1990 that the […] Read More


Transmitted from Folsom Prison by Dr. Timothy Leary “Kohoutek will have a pale blue and yellow tail stretching out for somewhere between 75,000,000 and 100,000,000 miles — the yellow portions of it in the shape of a scimitar. It will first be seen by the naked eye in mid-November and will look dull. But since it will be approaching the Sun at 250,000,000 miles an hour, it will brighten and from mid-December to Dec. 28 the peoples of the world will have the finest Christmas star ever.” How about that, Chump? Do you still believe everything out there “just happened by accident.”    —From a “memo to a friend who is an atheist” in Bob Considine‘s September 16 column in the San FranciscoExaminer & […] Read More