2017: Scientists Get Closer to Understanding Why (And When) We Dream

Like everyone else, I’ve had all sorts of dreams. Most are about ordinary, everyday things – sometimes I’m back at school, or hanging out with people I’ve never met, or getting hundred-thousand-dollar book deals. Other times, I’ll be hiding behind a tree watching people get vaporized by space aliens. I guess it depends on my mood. The funny thing about dreams, though, is that while everyone has them all the time, we still don’t understand them very well. They’re an enigma, and that doesn’t even include the wonder that is lucid dreaming. Luckily, a team of scientists led by Francesca Siclari at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have just published some interesting research that might reveal why dreams happen, and when. Life Could Be A Dream They’ve […] Read More

2016: 10 Important Dream Symbols You Should Absolutely Never Ignore

For years we have been fascinated by dreams and dream symbols.  Most of the time, we don’t remember our dreams at all. Often enough, we wake up in the morning having absolutely no recollection of what we dreamed about through the night. Just because we don’t remember them, that does not mean that they didn’t happen. In fact, there are many theories on why we dream and what it does to us. Many believe that it is our way of understanding the world and making sense of the things that happen to us on a day to day basis. Still, it can be kind of frightening when you keep having the same recurring dream. All too often, people struggle when it comes to their dreams. […] Read More

1998: Dreams and Dreaming FAQ

“They have become lucid in the waking dream” -Infinite Player Link to Dream FAQ Table of Contents: 1. General 1.1. Does everybody dream ? 1.2. Why do we dream? 1.3. How can I increase my dream recall ? 1.4. How do external stimuli affect my dreams ? 1.5. Do substances like drugs, herbs and foods affect our dreams ? 1.6. Is it possible to control your dreams – lucid dreaming ? 1.7. Is sleep deprivation dangerous? 2. Dream interpretation and symbols 2.1. Can you interpret this dream for me? 2.2. What does this [symbol] mean? 2.3. Is this [dream scene] common? 2.4. Is there anything special about recurring dreams? 3. Sleep paralysis, walking and talking, night terrors, narcolepsy and nightmares 3.1. What causes sleep paralysis? 3.2. […] Read More

Are We Lost In Virtual Realities

The Illusions and Dangers of Virtual Realities All of us would have free will to participate… In our past, before Time and Space were conditions, we as spirits lived in an environment that was very easy to contend with. This is why, out of sheer boredom, we began to think of something that was daring. By the millions we decided to create a new reality and the object was to live in this new reality within a new kind of body. We called it the physical reality body and by means of our thoughts we created the solar system and its planets. Naturally we did not have the faintest idea how all this would work out, but one thing was established – it meant […] Read More