2016: 10 Important Dream Symbols You Should Absolutely Never Ignore

For years we have been fascinated by dreams and dream symbols.  Most of the time, we don’t remember our dreams at all. Often enough, we wake up in the morning having absolutely no recollection of what we dreamed about through the night. Just because we don’t remember them, that does not mean that they didn’t happen. In fact, there are many theories on why we dream and what it does to us. Many believe that it is our way of understanding the world and making sense of the things that happen to us on a day to day basis. Still, it can be kind of frightening when you keep having the same recurring dream. All too often, people struggle when it comes to their dreams. […] Read More

Timothy Leary’s Eight Circuits of Consciousness

From Robert Anton Wilson‘s Cosmic Trigger: Final Secret of the Illuminati   Tunnel-Realities and Imprints Let’s try Dr. Leary’s perspective on these mysteries.      To understand neurological space, Dr. Leary assumes that the nervous system consists of eight potential circuits, or “gears,” or mini-brains. Four of these brains are in the usually active left lobe and are concerned with our terrestrial survival; four are extraterrestrial, reside in the “silent” or inactive right lobe, and are for use in our future evolution. This explains why the right lobe is usually inactive at this stage of our development, and why it becomes active when the person ingests psychedelics. We will explain each of the eight “brains” briefly. I. THE BIO-SURVIVAL CIRCUIT This invertebrate brain was the first to […] Read More