2017: The Power of Hierarchy and the Pseudo-Truth Monopoly

When society is organized into a unidimensional hierarchical structure that provides singularity of control to those who sit at the top, enormous power is gained. If these Hierarchy leaders have the unmitigated power to create and distribute money and are evil too, they can also control the Major Mass Media. The results of this evil, unmitigated power is catastrophic for the humans controlled by the Hierarchy. This is the case in America right now and this includes all their wounded, suffering and dead victims from their induced perpetual wars all over the world. By Preston James, Ph.D Sadly, we Americans and much of the world live in a fake reality based on over 50 years of lies and coordinated illusions which have been created, […] Read More

2017: Everything Is Rigged: Medicine, Elections, Food, The Media…You Are Living In A Fabricated Fairy Tale

This article by Mike Adams was originally published by Natural News.  EVERYTHING IS RIGGED. Every institution in America is sold out, corrupted and politically rigged to favor Big Government and Big Business. “America is a lost country,” explains Paul Craig Roberts. “The total corruption of every public and the private institution is complete. Nothing remains but tyranny. And lies. Endless lies.” CNN, Reuters and the Associated Press are all now shameless promoters of every big lie across every sector of society, from vaccines and GMOs to elections and politics. The federal government itself is incapable of doing anything other than lying, and it has totally corrupted the entire realm of science by pulling the strings of funding via the National Institutes of Health and the NSF. The FDA is entirely […] Read More

Facebook says we’ll be plugged into ‘The Matrix’ within 50 YEARS

Founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg mentioned during a Q/A session he’s fascinated by a scientific research performed by the US government, with similarities of the movie the Matrix. by Lionsground The owner of the social network giant is not optioning this technology out. “From 50 years from now, it would not be a crazy idea to think about it,” said Mark Zuckerberg. Mark said there was already “crazy” scientific research underway which could help his dream become a reality. The technique Mark Zuckerberg is fascinated about is known as Optogenetics, a precise manipulation of electrical and biochemical events, which allows the fine control of individual brain cells. Susumu Tonegawa, a neuroscientist at the RIKEN-MIT Center for Neural Circuit Genetics, and his team encoded false […] Read More