The CHRONOVISOR: A device used by the Vatican to look into the future and past

According to numerous reports and stories that have been published through the years, among the many alleged secrets the Vatican has, there is a device called the Chronovisor. The device enables its user to observe future as well as past events.  Many believe this device is one of the greatest guarded secrets humanity has ever had. Some even believe it is a crucial ‘tool’ which has allowed the Vatican to preserve its influence and power through the years. Ever since H. G. Wells composed his novel ‘The Time Machine’ many people have been left fascinated by the idea of time travel. Even Theoretical Physics dreams of the possibility of making it work one day. Everything related to time travel today is related to science fiction, or so […] Read More

Deru’s ‘The Future Never Comes’: The Strange Loop of Techno-Anxiety

Image: Deru/Tim Navis What we know for sure is that what comes next is going to be huge and nothing will ever be the same again. This statement, possibly the dominant sentiment of the post-industrial world, is what it means to be defined by technology: neverending expectation, the assurance that this here now is insufficient, a mere stepping stone to the real future‘s future. It’s a perfect strange loop: as we progress upward through hierarchies of new and better technology, we’re also conditioned by that same new and better technology to anticipate the next wave of new and better. The real future is always just over the horizon and it’s such that we’re rarely impressed by anything, no matter how much things actually change […] Read More

Company Creates Robotic Toddler to Help Us Like Our Future Overlords

Across the globe from the uncanny valley that is Diego-san’s facial expressions, the University of Zurich’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory making another weird foray into the creation of a robot toddler. Roboy is being developing with the help of crowd-funding,, sponsorships and almost 40 engineers and scientists. Just like its weaker, fleshy, real-life inspiration, Roboy’s design gestation is going to take about 9 months to full completion. Roboy is being developed to ease people into actually living with robots and not being creeped out by them. Roboy’s face was chosen during a Facebook contest. Its body is made entirely of plastic and will be covered with a fleshy, rubber-like material to simulate skin. Unlike typical robot movement mechanisms, Roboy will feature elastic cables pulled by […] Read More

The Big Secret and The Education of our Soul

~ Behave as if you are the world and everybody in it ~ The Big Secret on earth is – that mankind is not in control of itself. There are Alien and Secret Forces of a higher density that have great influence over Mankind! These Fourth Density and Fifth Density Alien Beings, in combination with certain World Governments and their Departments as well as other Organizations, make sure that certain happenings take place on earth. These Forces are in control of all major Governments and form the Actual Force in command of all major events on earth. The Forces on planet earth are represented by the NWO or the Illuminati… They rule the world and they are behind happenings like the 911 WTC destruction […] Read More

Live Forever – Uploading The Human Brain… Closer Than You Think

By Raymond Kurzweil, PhD to Implant 4: OnNet, please. Hundreds of shimmering thumbnail images mist into view, spread fairly evenly across the entire field of pseudovision. Thought: Zoom upper left, higher, into Winston’s image. Transmit: It’s Nellie. Let’s connect and chat over croissants. Rue des Enfants, Paris in the spring, our favorite table, yes? Four-second pause. Background thought: Damn it. What’s taking him so long? Receive: I’m here, ma chêre, I’m here! Let’s do it! The thumbnail field mists away, and a café scene swirls into place. Scent of honeysuckle. Paté. Wine. Light breeze. Nellie is seated at a quaint table with a plain white tablecloth. An image of Winston looking 20 and buff mists in across from her. Message thumbnails occasionally blink against […] Read More