Expectation Vs. Reality

My entire life I’ve been battling with my mind. A mind that loves to create and vividly imagine how things will and should go at an upcoming event, discussion, confession or anything with any level of importance. A mind that is so vivid that you can often find me talking as myself, to myself in this imagined reality as I get ready, lay in bed, or take a shower. One way of looking at this is to be in amazement of the mind’s creative potential. Think about it, it has the ability to mix past experience, hopes, characters, and so many other factors together to vividly create a version of something that hasn’t even happened yet. A version that is so compelling and cinematic […] Read More

1890: Kosmic Mind

Whatsoever quits the Laya (homogeneous) state, becomes active conscious life. Individual consciousness emanates from, and returns into Absolute consciousness, which is eternal MOTION. (Esoteric Axioms.) Whatever that be which thinks, which understands, which wills, which acts, it is something celestial and divine, and upon that account must necessarily be eternal. – CICERO Edison’s conception of matter was quoted in our March editorial article. The great American electrician is reported by Mr. G. Parsons Lathrop in Harper’s Magazine as giving out his personal belief about the atoms being “possessed by a certain amount of intelligence,” and shown indulging in other reveries of this kind. For this flight of fancy the February Review of Reviews takes the inventor of the phonograph to task and critically remarks […] Read More

Reality Versus Imagination and Illusion

By Remez Sasson The five senses make us feel that the world is real. Seeing the solidity of the objects around us, feeling the impact of the senses, it is hard to deny the validity of what we see. Everything looks real, and therfore, we never stop to question this reality. The mind is attached to the five senses and accepts everything as real without questioning. When we bump into a table or a wall, and we feel pain, it is difficult to say that we are imagining it. When we see with our eyes, hear sounds, smell, or when we feel heat or coldness, we accept these sense impressions as real. Some say that the world is an illusion, Maya in Eastern terminology. […] Read More

2012: Reality Versus Imagination and Illusion

By Remez Sasson The five senses make us feel that the world is real. Seeing the solidity of the objects around us, feeling the impact of the senses, it is hard to deny the validity of what we see. Everything looks real, and therefore, we never stop to question this reality. The mind is attached to the five senses and accepts everything as real without questioning. When we bump into a table or a wall, and we feel pain, it is difficult to say that we are imagining it. When we see with our eyes, hear sounds, smell, or when we feel heat or coldness, we accept these sense impressions as real. Some say that the world is an illusion, Maya in Eastern terminology. […] Read More