Meet Pepper – Adorable Robot Face of Our Demise

Created as a joint effort between SoftBank and French robotics company Aldebaran, Pepper a preciously adorable robot, was unveiled recently in stores throughout Tokyo. The humans behind Pepper are hoping that everyone will want him to join their family in the very near future. Pepper laughs, tells jokes, dances and probably quietly mocks us behind his adorable little face as he and his ilk develop their future plans. Like a toddler or a pupper looking for a handout, Pepper constantly keeps eye contact with any human that he comes in contact with, can hold discussions about the weather and…stuff…and can do so in about 17 languages. Determining the emotional status of humans via facial recognition and tone of our voices is another feature of […] Read More

Remote Viewing: Is Peering into the Matrix Possible?

Remote viewing is the ability to use extrasensory perception to access information from sources remote in space and time. Simply put, it is using psychic ability to fish information out of the matrix (akashic field, univeral source field, or ether). There are many techniques, different structures and protocols to follow and there are definite skills and rules to be learned in order to practice remote viewing effectively. Anyone interested in life beyond the material world should have a look at remote viewing. Here’s a video where remote viewing is briefly explained and put on trial: Remote viewers admit that as little as 20% of the information gathered may be correct and that the psychic information needs to be combined with other sources of information. […] Read More


READ THIS PAGE!!! TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS!!! SEE IT BEFORE IT GETS PERMANENTLY SHUT DOWN!!!! What are anti-positrons??? Anti-positrons are tiny subatomic particles. They have been proven by QUANTUM PHYSICS and are very real. Your government knows about anti-positrons. The Russians know about anti-positrons. Japan knows about anti-positrons. Aliens are using anti-positrons in their crusade against the earth. Read this page to learn all about them. Make a link to this page. Tell everyone you know!!! This page must be read while it’s still here!!! Anti-positrons are extremely hazardous to your health. The scientific test has shown a direct link between death and excessive exposure to anti-positrons. That is why the government requires warnings on all tv sets, radios, and microwave ovens produced in […] Read More