Plausibility of Time Travel

This might seem like a subject of Science Fiction, but it encourages a lot of thought in matters both physical and philosophical. A recent paper in Scientific American discussed whether time travel is indeed feasible and why current physical and philosophical objections don’t preclude the possibility of time travel. I’ll attempt to describe how they deal with the objections here and explore the plausibility of time travel. First, relativity allows for time travel into the future: as I mentioned in a previous missive, journey at a very high acceleration and you’ll return to earth years into the future, aging only slightly. This, of course, ignores the fact that we can’t travel at such high speeds as of now; this issue will be addressed later. There is a […] Read More

Random Reality

[This fascinating paper by Marcus Chown from New Scientist, 26 February 2000, has spawned tremendous interest in creating Matrix-like realities and entire universes that evolve from mathematical dust.] Space and the material world could be created out of nothing but noise. That’s the startling conclusion of a new theory that attempts to explain the stuff of reality, as Marcus Chown reports.If you could lift a corner of the veil that shrouds reality, what would you see beneath? Nothing but randomness, say two Australian physicists. According to Reginald Cahill and Christopher Klinger of Flinders University in Adelaide, space and time and all the objects around us are no more than the froth on a deep sea of randomness. Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that randomness […] Read More