The Matter-Antimatter ‘Angel Particle’ Has Been Discovered

If science was a soap opera, the theoretical Angle Particle would make the perfect mysterious ‘is he good or bad?’ character because it could play both matter and antimatter. Well, get your scripts ready and hire a casting agent because the Angel Particle is real and ready for its close-ups. Scientists in California (where else?) have successfully created a particle that is both matter and antimatter … and all without annihilating the universe. Will this be the science show that finally knocks “The Big Bang Theory” out of its number one spot? Like any good mystery drama, this one needs some exposition. One aspect of the real big bang theory is that the universe was made of equal amounts of matter and antimatter. In […] Read More

CERN Will Open New Dimensions – But With More Knowledge or Harm?

BY DAVID MONTAIGNE ⋅ CERN is amazing – and our scientists have already discovered many things about subatomic particles and how matter and energy are held together.  But in opening new doors to see through their looking glass, what risks are involved?  If Stephen Hawking is concerned, perhaps we all should be. We know that physicists have created small amounts of antimatter, and that it must be magnetically contained or it combines with matter and converts completely to energy.  The explosive potential of this antimatter is far stronger and more explosive than nuclear fission or fusion. Have they also managed to create small amounts of dark matter, and is this any more dangerous? (Just how much – and how little – we know about […] Read More