The Mandela Effect: Is It Bad Memory Or An Alternate Reality?

Full disclosure: If you prefer to keep your sense of reality – and your cherished memories – intact, you may want to skip this article.  If, on the other hand, you want to explore the fascinating phenomenon that is the “Mandela Effect” – and even take a quiz – read on. You will be astonished by the gap between what you think you remember and what current reality tells us is true – and by the theory that may explain it all. Whether it is “real” or not, the Mandela Effect is having a significant mental and emotional effect on many people – including those of us here. Get ready to test your memory. Warning: You probably won’t ace this deceptively simple quiz “Field […] Read More

Dolly, Jaws, and Braces – The Latest Mandela Effect

Well, the universe is at it again, messing with our minds. Last year, I wrote a blog about the Berenstein Bears, which at that time was the most recent example of a Mandela Effect. The Mandela Effect seems to be the de facto name for the idea that something that many people remember from the past is somehow changed, or rewritten. It was named for former president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, whom many people recall having died in a South African prison, which, history now tells us, is untrue. He died, according to all of the historical artifacts in our reality, of natural causes at the ripe old age of 95. I personally have a vague recollection of hearing some news about his […] Read More