A matter of mind power or miracle?

By DELTHIA RICKS Newsday Published: Monday, January 7, 2008 MELVILLE, N.Y. – In 1995, debris from a burning church collapsed on Buffalo, N.Y., firefighter Donny Herbert, depriving him of oxygen for six minutes and consciousness for 10 years. But in what has been described as a medical miracle, Herbert became fully lucid a decade after that tragedy, defying a dim prognosis and allowing him enough time to express love for his wife and four sons. He died just as unexpectedly in May 2005, a month after re-awakening. Herbert’s experience evokes the question: Can the human mind provide the power to will a man from a near-comatose state? Some experts believe the mind is not only powerful, it isn’t even “local” to the body. Dr. […] Read More