The Dynamics of Mind

by Henry Wood reprinted from ARENA, #LXIII February, 1895 In the light of recent psychical demonstrations, it has been said that thoughts are things, perhaps a more exact statement would be that they are forces. In physical science, the present trend of teaching is distinctly from the former accepted atomic basis, which included the solidity and potency of matter, towards a hypothesis in which energy is regarded as the underlying principle of all phenomena. Thus the atom, which has never been discovered, and is not likely to be, is no longer recognized as the real unit in the physical economy, energy being now accepted as the primal starting point. Manifestations to our senses, which we call light, heat and sound, are only differentiated modes […] Read More

1895: The Dynamics of Mind

by Henry Wood reprinted from ARENA, #LXIII February, 1895 In the light of recent psychical demonstrations, it has been said that thoughts are things, perhaps a more exact statement would be that they are forces. In physical science, the present trend of teaching is distinctly from the former accepted atomic basis, which included the solidity and potency of matter, towards a hypothesis in which energy is regarded as the underlying principle of all phenomena. Thus the atom, which has never been discovered, and is not likely to be, is no longer recognized as the real unit in the physical economy, energy being now accepted as the primal starting point. Manifestations to our senses, which we call light, heat and sound, are only differentiated modes […] Read More