How to Keep Yourself Perfectly Brainwashed in the Matrix

Perhaps exposing what one would have to do to stay asleep will shed light on what one would have to do to go along with the natural process of awakening that we are seeing worldwide. To begin with, staying fully asleep in the matrix of lies created by government is analogous to being a good slave, a slave that never complains and does as he or she is told. So to begin with, in order to stay perfectly asleep in the matrix of CIA western media lies one would have to commit to never questioning any story put out by mainstream media news. Purpose to feel comfortable with mainstream media news, make sure you always sympathize and empathize with everything they say. Reject any […] Read More

Facebook says we’ll be plugged into ‘The Matrix’ within 50 YEARS

Founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg mentioned during a Q/A session he’s fascinated by a scientific research performed by the US government, with similarities of the movie the Matrix. by Lionsground The owner of the social network giant is not optioning this technology out. “From 50 years from now, it would not be a crazy idea to think about it,” said Mark Zuckerberg. Mark said there was already “crazy” scientific research underway which could help his dream become a reality. The technique Mark Zuckerberg is fascinated about is known as Optogenetics, a precise manipulation of electrical and biochemical events, which allows the fine control of individual brain cells. Susumu Tonegawa, a neuroscientist at the RIKEN-MIT Center for Neural Circuit Genetics, and his team encoded false […] Read More