A 1.8 Billion light-year anomaly in space, suggests PARALLEL UNIVERSES exist

Is this the Ultimate evidence of PARALLEL UNIVERSES? Astronomers have made progress researching a massive—1.8 Billion-light-year—anomaly in space which they believe could mean parallel universes, with an infinite number of realities exist. The so-called ‘Cold-Spot’ in space is now being considered as an indication that alternate worlds, with their own version of reality, exist. The discovery is so cool in a number of ways. Imagine if we are not alone in the universe and that we are one of an INFINITE number of parallel universes that house INFINITE versions of ourselves. This is precisely what the so-called Multiverse theory puts forth, and a new scientific study presents an unprecedented discovery, a so-called ‘Cold Spot’ in space which may prove our universe is just one […] Read More

Parallel Universes: Theories & Evidence

By Elizabeth Howell Is our universe unique? From science fiction to science fact, there is a proposal out there that suggests that there could be other universes besides our own, where all the choices you made in this life played out in alternate realities. So, instead of turning down that job offer that took you from the United States to China, the alternate universe would show the outcome if you decided to venture to Asia instead.  The idea is pervasive in comic books and movies. For example, in the 2009 “Star Trek” reboot, the premise is that the Kirk and Spock portrayed by Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto are in an alternate timeline apart from the William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy versions of the […] Read More

Parallel Universes

Parallel Universes, Parallel Worlds, Alternative History. Everybody has a opinion on it and SciFi writers have talked about for years, the problem is what do they really mean?   The Parallel universe idea is that for every possible outcome there is a parallel universe somewhere in which that timeline happened. Which means that for every thought and decision, there’s a universe where that opposite thought and decision happened.    Me myself and I all agree its reminds us of the 90’s SciFi TV Show ” Sliders ” or “Fringe” or go back to Robert Silverberg‘s awesome book “The Gate of Worlds“: the book that made me think about this at 9. Each choice spins off a new path, so follow this path and look at some of the info […] Read More

Parallel universes, the Matrix, and superintelligence

June 26, 2003 by Michio Kaku Physicists are converging on a “theory of everything,” probing the 11th dimension, developing computers for the next generation of robots, and speculating about civilizations millions of years ahead of ours, says Dr. Michio Kaku, author of the best-sellers Hyperspace and Visions and co-founder of String Field Theory, in this interview by KurzweilAI.net Editor Amara D. Angelica. Published on KurzweilAI.net June 26, 2003. What are the burning issues for you currently? Well, several things. Professionally, I work on something called Superstring theory, or now called M-theory, and the goal is to find an equation, perhaps no more than one inch long, which will allow us to “read the mind of God,” as Einstein used to say. In other words, […] Read More