New Hints to How our Reality is Created

There is something fascinating going on in the world, hidden deep beneath the noise of Trump, soccer matches, and Game of Thrones. It is an exploration into the nature of reality – what is making the world tick? To cut to the chase, it appears that our reality is being dynamically generated based on an ultra-sophisticated algorithm that takes into account not just the usual cause/effect context (as materialists believe), and conscious observation and intent (as idealists believe), but also a complex array of reality configuration probabilities so as to be optimally efficient. Wait, what? This philosophical journey has its origins in the well-known double slit experiment, originally done by Thomas Young in 1801 to determine that light had wavelike properties. In 1961, the […] Read More

Remote Viewing: Is Peering into the Matrix Possible?

Remote viewing is the ability to use extrasensory perception to access information from sources remote in space and time. Simply put, it is using psychic ability to fish information out of the matrix (akashic field, univeral source field, or ether). There are many techniques, different structures and protocols to follow and there are definite skills and rules to be learned in order to practice remote viewing effectively. Anyone interested in life beyond the material world should have a look at remote viewing. Here’s a video where remote viewing is briefly explained and put on trial: Remote viewers admit that as little as 20% of the information gathered may be correct and that the psychic information needs to be combined with other sources of information. […] Read More

1995: Successful Time Travel?

The Steven Gibbs Interview: Practical Time Travel Successful Time Travel Claimed Steven Gibbs, Interviewed by Mark Chorvinsky A version of this interview appeared in Strange Magazine No.14, Spring 1995. Mark Chorvinsky: How did you get interested in time travel? Steven Gibbs: In 1985 or 1986, I was contacted by a guy from Fitchburg, Massachusetts who read one of my articles that I had published in the Journal of Natural Health and Parapsychology in Canada on time travel, back in 1983. Mike Arkliniski got the article and placed it into one of his books called Time Travel Today. In 1985, this guy from Fitchburg sent me the first schematic of a device that could be activated over a grid point to transport a person physically through […] Read More