You Can Transform Your Own Consciousness, It’s Your Choice

The weather seems like a poignant reminder of how if we change ourselves, then we change the world. A lot of conversation I’ve been privy to recently has revolved around how bad or terrible this hot weather is. There seems to be an air of irritation and non-acceptance of it; wishing it to be different. But do we have any control over the weather? Do we even have any control over how the body reacts to this temperature? The ‘hotness’ and ‘uncomfortableness’ of the body occurs all by itself. We don’t control a single thing. All we can ever do is change how we relate to ‘what is’. The weather is hot, the body gets warm – it’s actually a really interesting sensation to […] Read More

The illusionary Selves or The Sleeping Gods of This Earth

… A Master Piece For Sure … With the following I am trying to come up with an article that gives all of us a better concept of how the world works and what it really is all about. Be cool here! Usually I say a lot of things twice and there are no exceptions in this article. Possibly I even mention certain concepts three times. People got used to it by now and some people even like to hear the ‘repeat’ before they hear it the first time!  Yeah – it’s hard to believe but a few Folks are crazier than I am…   ~  Creation is an infinite creative energy in Form  ~     Creation or the universe is energy and […] Read More

2012: The illusionary Selves or The Sleeping Gods of This Earth

… A Master Piece For Sure … With the following I am trying to come up with an article that gives all of us a better concept of how the world works and what it really is all about. Be cool here! Usually I say a lot of things twice and there are no exceptions in this article. Possibly I even mention certain concepts three times. People got used to it by now and some people even like to hear the ‘repeat’ before they hear it the first time!  Yeah – it’s hard to believe but a few Folks are crazier than I am… ~  Creation is an infinite creative energy in Form  ~ Creation or the universe is energy and this energy is […] Read More

Intuition: Precognition and Your Mind

Connections Through Time, Issue 20: July – September 2003 Just as the human eye sees only a small part of the light spectrum and the human ear can detect only a fraction of nature’s sounds so that which is comprehensible to the human mind is only a small fraction of our reality. – Author unknown In the previous article, body-precognition is discussed – the scientific data indicate that your body has direct access to at least some information about the future. Note that body-precognition is achieved without the conscious mind.  This type of a activity is controlled by your autonomic nervous system.  You would have trouble consciously functioning if this part of your nervous system did not assume some important responsibilities.  Imagine, for example, […] Read More

2012: THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?

If you value what is presented in this movie, please go to where you can support Thrive Movement by making a donation. You will also find more in-depth information on each of the subjects discussed in the movie, learn about Critical Mass initiatives supported by Thrive, and connect with others who are waking up and taking action. Film Synopsis: THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.