2018: Quantum Retro-causality Explained

September 19, 2018 A recent quantum mechanics experiment, conducted at the University of Queensland in Australia, seems to defy causal order, baffling scientists. In this post however, I’ll explain why this isn’t anomalous at all; at least, if you come to accept the Digital Consciousness Theory (DCT) of reality. It boils down to a virtually identical explanation that I gave seven years ago to Daryl Bem’s seemingly anomalous precognition studies. DCT says that subatomic particles are controlled by finite state machines (FSMs), which are tiny components of our Reality Learning Lab (RLL, aka “reality”).  These finite state machines that control the behavior of the atoms or photons in the experiment don’t really come into existence until the measurement is made, which effectively means that the […] Read More

Einstein Was Wrong?! New Theory Says There’s No Gravity And No Dark Matter

Gravity is something all of us are familiar with from our first childhood experiences. You drop something – it falls. And the way physicists have described gravity has also been pretty consistent – it’s considered one of the four main forces or “interactions” of nature and how it works has been described by Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity all the way back in 1915. But Professor Erik Verlinde, an expert in string theory from the University of Amsterdam and the Delta Institute of Theoretical Physics, thinks that gravity is not a fundamental force of nature because it’s not always there. Instead it’s “emergent” – coming into existence from changes in microscopic bits of information in the structure of spacetime. Verlinde first articulated this groundbreaking […] Read More

Experts Abuzz About Possible Discovery That Would All but Upend Most Basic Understanding of Physics

Scientists around the globe are revved up with excitement as the world’s biggest atom smasher — best known for revealing the Higgs boson four years ago — starts whirring again to churn out data that may confirm cautious hints of an entirely new particle. Such a discovery would all but upend the most basic understanding of physics, experts say. The European Center for Nuclear Research, or CERN by its French-language acronym, has in recent months given more oomph to the machinery in a 27-kilometer (17-mile) underground circuit along the French-Swiss border known as the Large Hadron Collider. In a surprise development in December, two separate LHC detectors each turned up faint signs that could indicate a new particle, and since then theorizing has been […] Read More

Macroscopic Coherence Explained

Coherence is a general property of a system whereby the components of that system all act in a similar manner. Coherent light is what makes lasers what they are – an alignment of photons, or waveform phases (why cats chase them is a little harder to explain). Superconductivity, a property of zero resistance to electrical flow that was formerly only observed at temperatures near absolute zero, is closely related in that the atoms of the superconducting material are aligned coherently. Quantum entanglement is an example of perfect coherence between two or more particles, in that they act as a single particle no matter how far away from each other you take them. Einstein famously referred to this property as “spooky action at a distance.” […] Read More

How A Mirror Can Help You Realize Something Very Important About Yourself

Thought provoking theories are what I am drawn towards, and we are in a period of existence where many thought provoking theories are gaining more and more recognition as being true. Science has always been behind, because science needs proof, yet this is the exact reason why science is always behind. Consciousness is and always will come before science! We all have probably heard that saying: “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being SELF-EVIDENT.” Self evident is capitalized because this is the most important factor, one must go through the personal experience to know this quote to be true. Looking back into our history (everything is HERE and NOW, so […] Read More

10 Scientific Studies That Prove Consciousness Can Alter Our Physical Material World

Nikola Tesla said it best, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Swami Vivekananda was Tesla’s mentor, an Indian Hindu monk and chief disciple of the 19th century saint Ramakrishna. Science works best when in harmony with nature. If we put these two together, we can discover great technologies that can only come about when the consciousness of the planet is ready to embrace them, like free energy I want to make it clear that my intention of presenting this information is to demonstrate that thoughts, intentions, prayer […] Read More

What is the True Nature of Reality?

The Basics of Quantum Healing by Dr. Deepak Chopra, M.D. What I hope to do this morning is to give you a brief glimpse into the quantum mechanical body-mind, to at least attempt to understand the exact nature of what the human body is like and also the exact nature of what the Cosmic Body is like. We use terms like mind and body and universe, but what really is the exact nature of these things? What is the mind, what is the body, what’s the exact nature of physical reality? As children, we always had questions like, “Where was I before I was born? What am I doing here? What happens after death? Am I confined to my physical body? Am I just […] Read More

Everything for Nothing

by Harold Puthoff Classical physics tells us that if we think of an atom as a miniature solar system with electronic planets orbiting a nuclear sun, then it should not exist. The circling electrons SHOULD RADIATE AWAY their energy like microscopic radio antennas and spiral into the nucleus. To resolve this problem, physicists had to introduce a set of mathematical rules, called quantum mechanics, to describe what happens. Quantum theory endows matter and energy with both wave and particle-like characteristics. It also restrains electrons to particular orbits, or energy levels, so they cannot radiate energy unless they jump from one orbit to another. Measuring the spectral lines of atoms verifies that quantum theory is correct. Atoms appear to emit or absorb packets of light, […] Read More

Quantum fluctuations of empty space: A new Rosetta Stone in physics?

by Dr Harold Puthoff Institute for Advanced Studies, 1301 Capital Of Texas Highway S., Suite B 121 Austin, Texas 78746 (512) 328-5751 In a recent article in the popular press (The Economist, January 7, 1989, pp. 71-74) it was noted how many of this century’s new technologies depend on the Alice-in-Wonderland physics of quantum mechanics, with all of its seeming absurdities. For starters, one begins with the observation that classical physics tells us that atoms, which can be likened to a miniature solar system with electron planets orbiting a nuclear sun, should not exist. The circling electrons should radiate away their energy like microscopic radio antennas and spiral into the nucleus. But atoms do exist, and multitudinous other phenomena which don’t obey the rules […] Read More


Freeman J. Dyson Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton New Jersey 08540 Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 51, No. 3, July 1979 (c) 1979 American Physical Society Edited for Internet Science Education Project by Jack Sarfatti. Quantitative estimates are derived for three classes of phenomena that may occur in an open cosmological model of Friedmann type. (1) Normal physical processes taking place with very long time-scales. (2) Biological processes that will result if life adapts itself to low ambient temperatures according to a postulated scaling law. (3) Communication by radio between life forms existing in different parts of the universe. The general conclusion of the analysis is that an open universe need not evolve into a state of permanent quiescence. Life and communication can continue […] Read More