By Sherrill Roberts There was a young lady named bright, Who traveled much faster than light. She started one day in a relative way, and returned on the previous night. A. H. Reginald Buller(1) While we are no longer so naive as to think that a mechanical device such as H.G. Wells’s Time Machine could be easily built, the “new physics” offers us tantalizing glimpses of the possibility of time travel, possibly utilizing forces and entities which exist, at least theoretically, in our universe today. “The notion you can move forward and back in time is allowed by some of the new ideas in physics,” says Jeffrey R. Kuhn, a physics and astronomy professor at Michigan State University.(2) The scientific premises suggesting a theoretical […] Read More


“BUCKLE YOUR SEATBELT DOROTHY… ‘CAUSE KANSAS IS GOING BYE-BYE!” from: THE MATRIX, with Keanu Reeves Here is a list of time travel links for all of you quantum  warriors out there. Remember, when time traveling, all Quantum Force personnel must adhere strictly to the Temporal Prime directive. This adherence is NOT to prevent one from changing history, for in a battle between the time-traveler and the timeline for third dimensional supremacy, the time-traveler WILL lose out to the timeline IF he or she [or it] insists on attempting to altar events that have been SET in the “eternal now” as a result of all past-present-future influences simultaneously being brought to bear against them. Only ONE third-dimensional event can exist within the same third-dimensional space at the same “time”. Sure, one might be able to […] Read More


The Steven Gibbs Interview by Mark Chorvinsky (A version of this interview appeared in Strange Magazine 14, Spring, 1995) LETTER FROM THE FUTURE? Mark Chorvinsky: How did you get interested in Time Travel Steven Gibbs: Back in 1981 when…I really can’t figure out whether it was a joke or not…I got a letter one day when I was up at Norfork and it was supposedly from my other self from the future. I wasn’t sure if it was a joke or not, because there was just no way the letter could be written up so fast…it was the first day I was there. I just went to the restroom for a few minutes after we got done playing a game, and I was just […] Read More

Scientific Paradoxes are Omens of Advance

“Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science.” –Charles Darwin There are problems with science today, no doubt. With all the knowledge we’ve accumulated about the Universe, from the smallest subatomic scales to the farthest recesses of deep space, there are still realms and regimes where our best theories fail, where the predictions and the data don’t match, and where no known explanation is sufficient for the phenomena that shows up. Image credit: The Michelson-Morley interferometer, via University of Virginia. But this is where all the potential for scientific growth lives. Believe it or not, one of […] Read More

Are Parallel Universes Real?

Farnsworth: “There is it. The edge of the Universe!” Fry: “Far out. So there’s an infinite number of parallel Universes?” Farnsworth: “No, just the two.” Fry: “Oh, well, I’m sure that’s enough.” Bender: “I’m sick of parallel Bender lording his cowboy hat over me!” –Futurama Our existence here in this Universe is something that we know is rare, special, beautiful, and full of wonder. Image credit: Kelly Montgomery. Some things happen with amazing regularity and predictability: the occurrence of days-and-nights, the tides, the seasons, the motion of the heavenly bodies, and so much more. The physical laws that govern the Universe are very, very well understood, and that understanding has helped us construct a rather comprehensive view of exactly what our observable Universe consists […] Read More

2010: Boson-Fermion Condensates

by Barry Carter Strange “powers” or abilities are mentioned in almost every spiritual tradition. For example, these abilities are called siddhis in the Hindu tradition and fruits of the spirit in the Christian tradition� These abilities include clairvoyance, telepathy, levitation, prophecy, apparitions, and teleportation. Most of these abilities appear to correspond with certain quantum particle behaviors mentioned in the literature of quantum physics. These correlations might be: Clairvoyance Quantum Coherence Telepathy Quantum Coherence Levitation Superconductive Meissner Effect Prophecy Tachyon Theory Teleportation Josephson Tunneling Apparitions Superfluid Behavior The problem, with applying these quantum physical explanations to macrophysical phenomena, has traditionally been that the quantum behaviors are mainly seen at the scale of the atom or smaller. Physicists say that little stuff does this but big […] Read More

Dimensions: How many are there and where do they stop?

Dimensions, we know for sure that there is 3 and most can stumble through understanding the basics of a 4th. There is much talk about who can work out the most dimensions, according to the Twitter guy below, he can do 110. Have we not learned that the results will be what we want or don’t want, in other words. Just by observing we change the outcome. Hmmmmm. Lets take a look at some of the information out there. So buckle up and let the Merry-Go-Round begin. Esoteric Other Worlds: Dimension (mathematics and physics) http://esotericotherworlds.blogspot.com3/4/13 As already seen the fourth dimension entry to this blog, and the concept of dimensions can play an important part in the theoretical aspects of parapsychology. What follows is just a general article […] Read More

The Amazing Holographic Universe

By Michael Talbot     12-23-5 In 1982 a remarkable event took place. At the University of Paris a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect performed what may turn out to be one of the most important experiments of the 20th century. You did not hear about it on the evening news. In fact, unless you are in the habit of reading scientific journals you probably have never even heard Aspect’s name, though there are some who believe his discovery may change the face of science. Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It doesn’t matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 […] Read More

Plausibility of Time Travel

This might seem like a subject of Science Fiction, but it encourages a lot of thought in matters both physical and philosophical. A recent paper in Scientific American discussed whether time travel is indeed feasible and why current physical and philosophical objections don’t preclude the possibility of time travel. I’ll attempt to describe how they deal with the objections here and explore the plausibility of time travel. First, relativity allows for time travel into the future: as I mentioned in a previous missive, journey at a very high acceleration and you’ll return to earth years into the future, aging only slightly. This, of course, ignores the fact that we can’t travel at such high speeds as of now; this issue will be addressed later. There is a […] Read More

Terence McKenna – Time Acceleration

Terence McKenna speaks about the perceived acceleration of time during his lecture entitled “Eros & The Eschaton,” Seattle 1994. Related articles Terence McKenna on Psychedelic Animation The Best of Times or the End of Time Mankind’s Cradle of Civilisation Found in Java? Jim Vieira and the Giants Updates in Pink Slime Yum Yum