The illusionary Selves or The Sleeping Gods of This Earth

… A Master Piece For Sure … With the following I am trying to come up with an article that gives all of us a better concept of how the world works and what it really is all about. Be cool here! Usually I say a lot of things twice and there are no exceptions in this article. Possibly I even mention certain concepts three times. People got used to it by now and some people even like to hear the ‘repeat’ before they hear it the first time!  Yeah – it’s hard to believe but a few Folks are crazier than I am…   ~  Creation is an infinite creative energy in Form  ~     Creation or the universe is energy and […] Read More

2012: The illusionary Selves or The Sleeping Gods of This Earth

… A Master Piece For Sure … With the following I am trying to come up with an article that gives all of us a better concept of how the world works and what it really is all about. Be cool here! Usually I say a lot of things twice and there are no exceptions in this article. Possibly I even mention certain concepts three times. People got used to it by now and some people even like to hear the ‘repeat’ before they hear it the first time!  Yeah – it’s hard to believe but a few Folks are crazier than I am… ~  Creation is an infinite creative energy in Form  ~ Creation or the universe is energy and this energy is […] Read More

The Biological Chip in our Cells

Revolutionary results of modern genetics by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf Light is in principle the oldest and most important food of the world, and still in addition – understood as electromagnetic wave – a perfect storage medium. We know today that life in the universe is a process which is always swiming against the river. Physics predicts that everything in nature is going towards a condition of a thermal equilibrium. With every energy consuming process always also warmth is produced, which cannot be completely reconverted into work energy. This is well-known to each power station operator. The universe favours disorder and decay rather than order and structure. In such an environment an organism can temporarily exist only because it constantly supplies new order […] Read More

2012: The Biological Chip in our Cells

Revolutionary results of modern genetics by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf Light is in principle the oldest and most important food of the world, and still in addition – understood as electromagnetic wave – a perfect storage medium. We know today that life in the universe is a process which is always swiming against the river. Physics predicts that everything in nature is going towards a condition of a thermal equilibrium. With every energy consuming process always also warmth is produced, which cannot be completely reconverted into work energy. This is well-known to each power station operator. The universe favours disorder and decay rather than order and structure. In such an environment an organism can temporarily exist only because it constantly supplies new order […] Read More

Parallel Universes

Written by Editor VOPUS There is a bold hypothesis that suggests the existence of a phantom universe similar to our own: “Only a very weak interaction between these two universes exists, therefore we do not see this other world that is mixed with our own.” Revolutionary, scientific Gnosticism goes much further into this question, emphatically affirming the harmonious coexistence of an infinitude of parallel universes. The radical exclusion of this transcendental, scientific concept would leave a considerable number of unclassified events without a logical explanation, such as mysterious disappearances, etc. On the perfumed and delectable shores of a river, that joyfully and happily sings while gliding within the profound jungles of a tropical region of South America, a group of innocent children watched in […] Read More


A first glimpse of a postmodern physics, in which mass, inertia and gravity arise from underlying electromagnetic processes Bernard Haisch, Alfonso Rueda & H.E. Puthoff published in THE SCIENCES, Vol. 34, No. 6, November / December 1994, pp. 26-31 copyright 1994, New York Academy of Sciences (posted with permission)   The most famous of all equations must surely be E=mc2. In popular culture that relation between energy and mass is virtually synonymous with relativity, and Einstein, its originator, has become a symbol of modern physics. The usual interpretation of the equation is that one kind of fundamental physical thing, mass (m in the equation), can be converted into a quite different kind of fundamental physical thing, energy (E in the equation), and vice versa; […] Read More

The Quantum Physics of Remote Viewing

By Gerald O’Donnell. Reprinted with permission. Eighteenth and nineteenth century physical science had completed and embellished the “golden age of a mechanistic and deterministic models of the universe” where the universe and its constituents are ruled by rigid interactive forces that can be measured, phenomena that can be predicted using mathematical tools, and where the universe or any system operating within it is made of the sum of its parts. Light was thought to be an electromagnetic wave vibrating in an undetected, and later experimentally disproved media: “the ether”, at certain rates of vibration that would define its color. It was part of the electromagnetic wave spectrum that allowed one to perceive an electromagnetic wave as heat, light, radio waves or other electromagnetic radiations […] Read More

The Elusivity of Nature and the Mind-matter problem

ABSTRACT This paper examines the processes involved in attempting to capture the subtlest aspects of nature by the scientific method and argues on this basis that nature is fundamentally elusive and may resist grasping by the methods of science. If we wish to come to terms with this resistance, then a shift in the direction of taking direct experience into account may be necessary for science’s future complete development. Paper What is matter and what is mind? Ren’e Descartes regarded these entities as being of totally different orders and completely separate from each other, although nowadays the conventional view is to consider mind function as reducible to the behaviour of matter. In this paper I want to propose a new theme in the mind-matter […] Read More

2012: The Elusivity of Nature and the Mind-matter problem

ABSTRACT This paper examines the processes involved in attempting to capture the subtlest aspects of nature by the scientific method and argues on this basis that nature is fundamentally elusive and may resist grasping by the methods of science. If we wish to come to terms with this resistance, then a shift in the direction of taking direct experience into account may be necessary for science’s future complete development. Paper What is matter and what is mind? Ren’e Descartes regarded these entities as being of totally different orders and completely separate from each other, although nowadays the conventional view is to consider mind function as reducible to the behaviour of matter. In this paper I want to propose a new theme in the mind-matter […] Read More

Beyond Genes – The Particle and Waves that Control life

The Physics of Self Organizing Life, Information and Cosmos Science has moved from simplicity to complexity. The article and the site tries to bring the simplicity behind the complexity. It leads to certain physical phenomenon that is responsible for all the complexity of life and the Cosmos Abstract Introduction The Logics of New Realm A Short Review of initiation of Time in Biology [For the sake of physicist] Exploring the space and understanding Dynamic Information The Great Secret of Nature A short hint how nature reverses the time direction and initializes Arguments for Centromere as the Seat of Living Matter Proof, Conclusion and what the New Knowledge means to human life and its suffering and survival 1] Abstract Under overwhelming influence of early physicist […] Read More