2018: Quantum Retro-causality Explained

September 19, 2018 A recent quantum mechanics experiment, conducted at the University of Queensland in Australia, seems to defy causal order, baffling scientists. In this post however, I’ll explain why this isn’t anomalous at all; at least, if you come to accept the Digital Consciousness Theory (DCT) of reality. It boils down to a virtually identical explanation that I gave seven years ago to Daryl Bem’s seemingly anomalous precognition studies. DCT says that subatomic particles are controlled by finite state machines (FSMs), which are tiny components of our Reality Learning Lab (RLL, aka “reality”).  These finite state machines that control the behavior of the atoms or photons in the experiment don’t really come into existence until the measurement is made, which effectively means that the […] Read More

The Matter-Antimatter ‘Angel Particle’ Has Been Discovered

If science was a soap opera, the theoretical Angle Particle would make the perfect mysterious ‘is he good or bad?’ character because it could play both matter and antimatter. Well, get your scripts ready and hire a casting agent because the Angel Particle is real and ready for its close-ups. Scientists in California (where else?) have successfully created a particle that is both matter and antimatter … and all without annihilating the universe. Will this be the science show that finally knocks “The Big Bang Theory” out of its number one spot? Like any good mystery drama, this one needs some exposition. One aspect of the real big bang theory is that the universe was made of equal amounts of matter and antimatter. In […] Read More

Are quantum computers proof of multiple universes?

Quantum computers may be 100 million times more powerful than today’s computers and they may do that by computing results simultaneously in multiple universes. Really? Google and Nasa announced they were collaborating on the D-Wave X2 quantum computer, which they say is 100 million times faster than a conventional computer chip, in 2013. It can answer certain algorithms in seconds rather than years. Google director of engineering, Hartmut Neven, said: “For a specific, carefully crafted proof-of-concept problem we achieve a 100-million-fold speed-up.” … Representing information in qubits allows the information to be processed in ways that have no equivalent in classical computing, taking advantage of phenomena such as quantum tunneling and quantum entanglement.  As such, quantum computers may theoretically be able to solve certain […] Read More

Parallel Worlds Exist And Interact With Our World, Physicists Say

New theory says parallel worlds exist and interact with our world! Quantum mechanics, though firmly tested, is so weird and anti-intuitive that famed physicist Richard Feynman once remarked, “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.” Attempts to explain some of the bizarre consequences of quantum theory have led to some mind-bending ideas, such as the Copenhagen interpretation and the many-worlds interpretation. Now there’s a new theory on the block, called the “many interacting worlds” hypothesis (MIW), and the idea is just as profound as it sounds. The theory suggests not only that parallel worlds exist, but that they interact with our world on the quantum level and are thus detectable. Though still speculative, the theory may help to finally explain some of the […] Read More

CERN Will Open New Dimensions – But With More Knowledge or Harm?

BY DAVID MONTAIGNE ⋅ CERN is amazing – and our scientists have already discovered many things about subatomic particles and how matter and energy are held together.  But in opening new doors to see through their looking glass, what risks are involved?  If Stephen Hawking is concerned, perhaps we all should be. We know that physicists have created small amounts of antimatter, and that it must be magnetically contained or it combines with matter and converts completely to energy.  The explosive potential of this antimatter is far stronger and more explosive than nuclear fission or fusion. Have they also managed to create small amounts of dark matter, and is this any more dangerous? (Just how much – and how little – we know about […] Read More

Does New Mind-blowing Experiment Confirms That Reality Doesn’t Exist If You Are Not Looking at It

According to a well-known theory in quantum physics, a particle’s behavior changes depending on whether there is an observer or not. It basically suggests that reality is a kind of illusion and exists only when we are looking at it. Numerous quantum experimentswere conducted in the past and showed that this indeed might be the case. Now, physicists at the Australian National University have found further evidence for the illusory nature of reality. They recreated theJohn Wheeler’s delayed-choice experiment and confirmed thatreality doesn’t exist until it is measured, at least on the atomic scale. Thought-provoking findings Some particles, such as photons or electrons, can behave both as particles and as waves.Here comes a question of what exactly makes a photon or an electron act either […] Read More

Experiment Confirms That Reality Doesn’t Exist If You’re Not Looking at It

According to a well-known theory in quantum physics, a particle’s behavior changes depending on whether there is an observer or not. It basically suggests thatreality is a kind of illusion and exists only when we are looking at it. Numerous quantum experiments were conducted in the past and showed that this indeed might be the case. Now, physicists at the Australian National Universityhave found further evidence for the illusory nature of reality. They recreated the John Wheeler’s delayed-choice experiment and confirmed that reality doesn’t exist until it is measured, at least on the atomic scale. Thought-provoking findings Some particles, such as photons or electrons, can behave both as particles and as waves. Here comes a question of what exactly makes a photon or an electron […] Read More

Macroscopic Coherence Explained

Coherence is a general property of a system whereby the components of that system all act in a similar manner. Coherent light is what makes lasers what they are – an alignment of photons, or waveform phases (why cats chase them is a little harder to explain). Superconductivity, a property of zero resistance to electrical flow that was formerly only observed at temperatures near absolute zero, is closely related in that the atoms of the superconducting material are aligned coherently. Quantum entanglement is an example of perfect coherence between two or more particles, in that they act as a single particle no matter how far away from each other you take them. Einstein famously referred to this property as “spooky action at a distance.” […] Read More

Everything for Nothing

by Harold Puthoff Classical physics tells us that if we think of an atom as a miniature solar system with electronic planets orbiting a nuclear sun, then it should not exist. The circling electrons SHOULD RADIATE AWAY their energy like microscopic radio antennas and spiral into the nucleus. To resolve this problem, physicists had to introduce a set of mathematical rules, called quantum mechanics, to describe what happens. Quantum theory endows matter and energy with both wave and particle-like characteristics. It also restrains electrons to particular orbits, or energy levels, so they cannot radiate energy unless they jump from one orbit to another. Measuring the spectral lines of atoms verifies that quantum theory is correct. Atoms appear to emit or absorb packets of light, […] Read More


“BUCKLE YOUR SEATBELT DOROTHY… ‘CAUSE KANSAS IS GOING BYE-BYE!” from: THE MATRIX, with Keanu Reeves Here is a list of time travel links for all of you quantum  warriors out there. Remember, when time traveling, all Quantum Force personnel must adhere strictly to the Temporal Prime directive. This adherence is NOT to prevent one from changing history, for in a battle between the time-traveler and the timeline for third dimensional supremacy, the time-traveler WILL lose out to the timeline IF he or she [or it] insists on attempting to altar events that have been SET in the “eternal now” as a result of all past-present-future influences simultaneously being brought to bear against them. Only ONE third-dimensional event can exist within the same third-dimensional space at the same “time”. Sure, one might be able to […] Read More