The Strange Case of Rudolph Fentz, the Victorian Time Traveler

Time always flows forward, one second at a time. For some reason, a man named Rudolph Fentz never got this memo. On a hot summer night in June 1950, something bent the unchangeable rules of our universe for a brief moment, sending a man through time and sealing his fate in the process. His name would become famous with paranormal researchers and his incident would stick out like a sore thumb amid the NYPD’s unsolved cases. One hour before midnight, a lone man appeared out of nowhere at an intersection close to Times Square in New York City. Assuming a confused pose in the middle of the road, he caught the attention of a police officer. As the officer approached the mystery man, the […] Read More

Did Rudolph Fentz time travel from 1876 to 1950?

Legend has it that back on a warm summer night in June of the year 1950, a man dressed in fashion that resembled that of the 19th century appeared in the middle of Times Square. The man looked extremely confused and baffled by everything around him. Suddenly, he was hit by a taxi and killed. Investigators searched his body and found some very odd items. Approximately 70 dollars in banknotes from the 19th century A token, made out of copper, that was worth 5 cents which had the name of a nearby saloon on it. Strangely, the saloon was not known to residents of the area. In fact, even older residents of the area had never heard of it. A type of old style […] Read More