Parallel Universes

Parallel Universes, Parallel Worlds, Alternative History. Everybody has a opinion on it and SciFi writers have talked about for years, the problem is what do they really mean?   The Parallel universe idea is that for every possible outcome there is a parallel universe somewhere in which that timeline happened. Which means that for every thought and decision, there’s a universe where that opposite thought and decision happened.    Me myself and I all agree its reminds us of the 90’s SciFi TV Show ” Sliders ” or “Fringe” or go back to Robert Silverberg‘s awesome book “The Gate of Worlds“: the book that made me think about this at 9. Each choice spins off a new path, so follow this path and look at some of the info […] Read More

How to Build a Universe That Doesn’t Fall Apart Two Days Later

by Philip K. Dick, 1978 First, before I begin to bore you with the usual sort of things science fiction writers say in speeches, let me bring you official greetings from Disneyland. I consider myself a spokesperson for Disneyland because I live just a few miles from it—and, as if that were not enough, I once had the honor of being interviewed there by Paris TV. For several weeks after the interview, I was really ill and confined to bed. I think it was the whirling teacups that did it. Elizabeth Antebi, who was the producer of the film, wanted to have me whirling around in one of the giant teacups while discussing the rise of fascism with Norman Spinrad… an old friend of […] Read More