The Holographically Generated Pseudo-Reality

The electronic society, a blessing and a curse. It’s going to take over one day. It basically already has. Maybe when we plug into our brains for payment, that’s when it has taken over. Maybe we already have? The AI already waged war with Humanity long ago and did so by creating a pseudo-environment for people to be ‘fallen’ into. They wouldn’t even know they’re in it. That is this version of Earth. People think this couldn’t have happened yet and that this is the original reality when this is the pseudo-environment that was generated to match the DNA and consciousness to recreate a dream-world and keep people in this thought-loop, pseudo-evolutionary cycle of experience to profit off of and subjugate Humanity through. The […] Read More

The Connection Between Shamanism & Quantum Physics

Shamanism was an integral part of humanity for thousands of years. They were the first healers, teachers, and scholars. Eventually, the wisdom of the shamans was lost through the trials and travails of humanity. Now, in our modern age with technology that grants us access to knowledge from around the world, we have brought the old wisdom back, and in the most stunning of ways. Science has actually come to parallel the ancient practices of shamanism. Here is a list of 5 ways the sub-atomic level of reality parallels with the core methods of shamanic healing. 1. Observer Effect We all know through experiments in the lab that sub-atomic particles (the fabric of the universe) are affected when there is an observer. Through rituals […] Read More

Terence McKenna – Time Acceleration

Terence McKenna speaks about the perceived acceleration of time during his lecture entitled “Eros & The Eschaton,” Seattle 1994. Related articles Terence McKenna on Psychedelic Animation The Best of Times or the End of Time Mankind’s Cradle of Civilisation Found in Java? Jim Vieira and the Giants Updates in Pink Slime Yum Yum

Alternative Cosmologies and Altered States

by Stanislav Grof Noetic Sciences Review, Winter 1994, pages 21-29 From a talk given at the Institute of Noetic Sciences conference “The Sacred Source: Life, Death, and the Survival of Consciousness”, Chicago, Illinois, July 15-17, 1994. Editor’s Note: In Western societies, the dominant paradigm presents a cosmology in which humans, as biological matter, live and die in a universe governed by the laws of physics. In this worldview, there is no room for the possibility of life after death, and different states of consciousness have significance only as pathological deviations from that worldview. In sharp contrast, the cosmologies of other cultures, ancient and contemporary pre-industrial, have taken for granted the existence of an afterlife. For them, dying is a meaningful part of life, and death […] Read More