Your Dreams Are Never Unattainable, This Man Will Inspire You To See Why

Growing up, Dominican native Manuel de los Santos had one dream: to play professional baseball. Once on route to pitch for the MLB’s Toronto Blue Jays, Manuel’s plans were derailed in 2003 by a traffic accident that handicapped him to a point that professional baseball would no longer be an option. Disheartened by the unforeseen and unfortunate circumstance, Manuel found inspiration and passion in an unexpected place and his story from that point onward is more than inspiring. Check it out: Life can certainly be unpredictable. Although we can never really control that, we can however control our response to the unpredictable, the challenging, the life-altering and everything else we may be faced with at any given moment. Manuel de los Santos is a […] Read More

What is Happening … ? to ? ? … The World and Mankind

The world is changing very fast and whatever questions you might have – most of your answers are on these pages! However, to completely understand what is happening to Humanity might take longer than a few days. It might even take a few weeks or months! It depends on your present level of awareness… If you would like to know most of the answers to what is happening, I suggest that you read all my Articles, Statements, OldSoulNotes, Cosmic Cookies and Poems. Start at the beginning again until everything becomes crystal clear. You will find an explanation for whatever is puzzling you. It took me almost thirty years to write what you will find on these pages. Be patient with yourself…Our World is a […] Read More