2013: The Secret to Breaking Out of Our Most Destructive Habits

All of us occasionally become the angry, unpleasant, depressed, reactive people we don’t want to be. So what happens in the brain that scatters all our good intentions? Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol is one of my all-time favorite stories, as it’s been for millions of others since it was written in 1843. Who doesn’t start sniffling when reading this classic tearjerker about Ebenezer Scrooge, a cold, bitter old man dragged—by the ghosts of his past, present, and potential future—on a terrifying midnight journey of self-discovery, from which he emerges transformed and redeemed? Most people love movies about driven, selfish people who, struck by the life-altering experience of sudden love or near loss, eventually see the light and blossom into life-affirming mensches. Miraculous conversion stories appeal […] Read More


READ THIS PAGE!!! TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS!!! SEE IT BEFORE IT GETS PERMANENTLY SHUT DOWN!!!! What are anti-positrons??? Anti-positrons are tiny subatomic particles. They have been proven by QUANTUM PHYSICS and are very real. Your government knows about anti-positrons. The Russians know about anti-positrons. Japan knows about anti-positrons. Aliens are using anti-positrons in their crusade against the earth. Read this page to learn all about them. Make a link to this page. Tell everyone you know!!! This page must be read while it’s still here!!! Anti-positrons are extremely hazardous to your health. The scientific test has shown a direct link between death and excessive exposure to anti-positrons. That is why the government requires warnings on all tv sets, radios, and microwave ovens produced in […] Read More