Are We Lost In Virtual Realities

The Illusions and Dangers of Virtual Realities All of us would have free will to participate… In our past, before Time and Space were conditions, we as spirits lived in an environment that was very easy to contend with. This is why, out of sheer boredom, we began to think of something that was daring. By the millions we decided to create a new reality and the object was to live in this new reality within a new kind of body. We called it the physical reality body and by means of our thoughts we created the solar system and its planets. Naturally we did not have the faintest idea how all this would work out, but one thing was established – it meant […] Read More

Beyond Genes – The Particle and Waves that Control life

The Physics of Self Organizing Life, Information and Cosmos Science has moved from simplicity to complexity. The article and the site tries to bring the simplicity behind the complexity. It leads to certain physical phenomenon that is responsible for all the complexity of life and the Cosmos Abstract Introduction The Logics of New Realm A Short Review of initiation of Time in Biology [For the sake of physicist] Exploring the space and understanding Dynamic Information The Great Secret of Nature A short hint how nature reverses the time direction and initializes Arguments for Centromere as the Seat of Living Matter Proof, Conclusion and what the New Knowledge means to human life and its suffering and survival 1] Abstract Under overwhelming influence of early physicist […] Read More