2017: Easily Create Lucid Dreams By Doing These Things

Via The Mind Unleashed Lucid dreaming is beyond bizarre to most of us. You are asleep and dreaming yet you know you are dreaming, and many lucid dreamers can affect actions and outcomes in dreams just like they do during waking moments. Only in dreams, you can do much more fantastical things – bend steel, fly, stop bullets, and finally talk to that girl at the coffee shop that always makes you so nervous.  We already know that lucid dreamers have some of the highest brain wave frequencies on the planet, but what if you could induce a lucid dreaming state – known for helping to drastically change your waking life – simply by applying the right electrical current at the right frequency to […] Read More

Meditation a Path of Freedom in Swedish Prisons

… By Susanne W. Lamm Epoch Times Staff GOTHENBURG, Sweden—A Swedish prison, specialized in treating drug offenders, offered the inmates meditation – under the label of “mindfulness” – as an addition to their regular treatment program. The idea was that prisoners would be able to cope better with everyday life after their release. The method is called “The Path of Freedom”, and has received high praise from inmates and prison staff alike. Ulrika Lilljegren, former manager of the Högsbo prison facility, says that inmates seem to be more responsive to the other treatment programs if they are combined with yoga or meditation, for instance. According to Lilljegren, many inmates most likely suffer from neuropsychiatric disorders, like ADHD, or are damaged from long-term drug abuse. […] Read More

2014: Meditation a Path of Freedom in Swedish Prisons

By Susanne W. Lamm Epoch Times Staff GOTHENBURG, Sweden—A Swedish prison, specialized in treating drug offenders, offered the inmates meditation – under the label of “mindfulness” – as an addition to their regular treatment program. The idea was that prisoners would be able to cope better with everyday life after their release. The method is called “The Path of Freedom”, and has received high praise from inmates and prison staff alike. Ulrika Lilljegren, former manager of the Högsbo prison facility, says that inmates seem to be more responsive to the other treatment programs if they are combined with yoga or meditation, for instance. According to Lilljegren, many inmates most likely suffer from neuropsychiatric disorders, like ADHD, or are damaged from long-term drug abuse. They […] Read More

You Can Transform Your Own Consciousness, It’s Your Choice

The weather seems like a poignant reminder of how if we change ourselves, then we change the world. A lot of conversation I’ve been privy to recently has revolved around how bad or terrible this hot weather is. There seems to be an air of irritation and non-acceptance of it; wishing it to be different. But do we have any control over the weather? Do we even have any control over how the body reacts to this temperature? The ‘hotness’ and ‘uncomfortableness’ of the body occurs all by itself. We don’t control a single thing. All we can ever do is change how we relate to ‘what is’. The weather is hot, the body gets warm – it’s actually a really interesting sensation to […] Read More

Manifestation & How To Draw Positive Energy Into Your Life

I wanted to speak with you like-minded individuals on something that has been transforming my life in ways I never thought imaginable. In light of the Spring Equinox on March 20th, I created a habit. This consisted of simply making a list of 10 things you would like to see occur in your life. Things you have always wanted to do or experience. After these 10 things have been written out, identify 1 to 3 things you can do on a daily basis to get a little bit closer to achieving these goals! Very simple, right? Every night, I have additionally been saying to myself a mantra I found across the internet: “I pray and ask for positive healing energy to come into my […] Read More


PREPARATION: Quartz Crystals, note pads, pens, calm music. We recommend that you begin and end each lesson with a short meditation of ten minutes duration, as your body and mind need to be calm and relaxed to achieve the best spiritual/psychic results. DREAM PROGRAMMING Everybody dreams nightly, but not everyone remembers their dreams, on awakening. Some people dream in color, others in black and white. We are all individuals, even in our dream state. Yet this is a great resource, God – given to us, which is often under-utilized and which can be used successfully for our Higher Spiritual growth. Even so-called “nightmares” can help us examine our inner fears and blocks. Master White Eagle has told us in channellings recently, that, ” The Great […] Read More