Manipulating Matter: The Scientific Dictatorship as a Project in the Reconfiguration of Reality

– by Phillip D. Collins ©, Feb. 15th, 2005 Comenius addressed the first formal scientists as “illuminati” and outlined their scientific purpose, “…which is to secure…the empire of the human mind over matter.” In the article entitled “The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship”, we examined the transmogrification of the elite’s religious power structure into a technocratic oligarchy legitimized predominantly by science. The history and background of this “scientific dictatorship” is a conspiracy, created and micro-managed by the historical tide of Darwinism, which has its foundations in Freemasonry. In this article, we shall examine the “scientific dictatorship” as an enormous project in the re-sculpting of reality itself. The Technocracy Freemason Aldous Huxley coined the term “scientific dictatorship” and presented an allegorized version of the concept […] Read More