Facebook says we’ll be plugged into ‘The Matrix’ within 50 YEARS

Founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg mentioned during a Q/A session he’s fascinated by a scientific research performed by the US government, with similarities of the movie the Matrix. by Lionsground The owner of the social network giant is not optioning this technology out. “From 50 years from now, it would not be a crazy idea to think about it,” said Mark Zuckerberg. Mark said there was already “crazy” scientific research underway which could help his dream become a reality. The technique Mark Zuckerberg is fascinated about is known as Optogenetics, a precise manipulation of electrical and biochemical events, which allows the fine control of individual brain cells. Susumu Tonegawa, a neuroscientist at the RIKEN-MIT Center for Neural Circuit Genetics, and his team encoded false […] Read More

The Matrix – Final Explicit Disclosure

Everyone has at least one of these Matrix-agents in their lives — you can deny it as much as you like, the truth of the matter is that your denial is proof of your ignorance. by Arno Pienaar What is an agent exactly, in the real matrix, digital hologram of the mind? An agent is somebody that is mind-centered and running on embedded programming from the reality we are in. You may say they are permanently run by the mind, the me, the named entity, or the ego. They have no comprehension that there is anything greater and divine to their very own existence, so unfortunately they are a victim to themselves and a perpetrator to everyone else around them, due to the severe […] Read More

The Purposeful Life Deception in the Matrix

The purposeful Life Deception has been uncovered. The purposeful life has become somewhat of a prerequisite for anybody seeking meaning inside of the matrix. All the freedom-fighters of the past made it their purpose to fight for freedom against tyranny within the matrix-construct. This kind of approach has always lead to plenty of bloodshed and seldom victories, because the solving of issues in physicality is an uphill battle, where the only eventual resort is fire against fire. Purposeful Life A purposeful life is said to be the driving force of all successful individuals. All great people have achieved their status by keeping to their chosen purpose in life. A purpose can also be likened to the middle way — keeping to a disciplined lifestyle […] Read More

How Memory Turns You Into A Battery for the Matrix

In order to manifest your own reality, you must not place your stories from the hologram in the NOW, because what you will end up with, is the limit of your own programming. Basically, your experience becomes filtered to fit you. Ask yourself, who would you be if all your memories had been stripped away from you? Memory in computer processing and memory inside the mind, both serve the same function: they allow you to continue where you had left off. It grants the ability to write a story from start to end  — a story that arises out of time, needs memory attached to time. The possibility for learning is also enabled by memory. For a computer it is useful, as programmed input […] Read More

20 Signs You’re Caught up In the Matrix

Morpheus: “You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” –The Matrix Whether you are aware of it or not, many in the West are born, grow, and die a slave to the Matrix. The 1999 movie of the same name starring Keanu Reeves questions what is real and what is simulated reality. While purely a fictitious work by the Wachowskis brothers, the movie touches on themes which challenge the current model of society and points to the problem of indoctrination and a lack of awareness amongst the populace. In search of answers, the mild-mannered Neo, a computer programmer, meets […] Read More


“BUCKLE YOUR SEATBELT DOROTHY… ‘CAUSE KANSAS IS GOING BYE-BYE!” from: THE MATRIX, with Keanu Reeves Here is a list of time travel links for all of you quantum  warriors out there. Remember, when time traveling, all Quantum Force personnel must adhere strictly to the Temporal Prime directive. This adherence is NOT to prevent one from changing history, for in a battle between the time-traveler and the timeline for third dimensional supremacy, the time-traveler WILL lose out to the timeline IF he or she [or it] insists on attempting to altar events that have been SET in the “eternal now” as a result of all past-present-future influences simultaneously being brought to bear against them. Only ONE third-dimensional event can exist within the same third-dimensional space at the same “time”. Sure, one might be able to […] Read More