The Matrix – Final Explicit Disclosure

Everyone has at least one of these Matrix-agents in their lives — you can deny it as much as you like, the truth of the matter is that your denial is proof of your ignorance. by Arno Pienaar What is an agent exactly, in the real matrix, digital hologram of the mind? An agent is somebody that is mind-centered and running on embedded programming from the reality we are in. You may say they are permanently run by the mind, the me, the named entity, or the ego. They have no comprehension that there is anything greater and divine to their very own existence, so unfortunately they are a victim to themselves and a perpetrator to everyone else around them, due to the severe […] Read More

Thoughts Create Reality — Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Scientific Experiments

by Helen E. Williams, Dreamcatcher Reality On a scale of 1 to 10, how powerful do you think thoughts are to success, compared to hard work, passion, money, character, and charisma? If you’ve prioritized and rated thoughts above everything else, then you’re onto something special. Are you aware of the following? Our thoughts (whether positive or negative) define how we perceive a situation, how we react and respond to them, and what we learn from them. We know that in the end thoughts define our behavior, which when repeated consistently becomes a habit, and eventually becomes ingrained as an attitude towards life? As a result, our thoughts affects what we believe about ourselves and our capabilities, and hence what we are capable of and […] Read More

The Collective Unconscious Mind and Beyond

The collective unconscious mind and beyond are two separate states we co-exist in, learning not to depend on the mind is the mighty step to exit the matrix. by Arno Pienaar, What the collective unconscious is The collective unconscious mind in the very same mind you are part of and think from. It is the only mind that you, in fact, can think from and it is connected to every mind that thinks on the planet. Whatever the signature of your vibrational rate is, it determines the source of your download of unconscious data. This is what makes us appear individually unique and divided on this plane. We all choose to embody different aspects of the complete server, a little bit of this, […] Read More

God is Simply Thought in the Third Dimension

Thought has created this 3-dimensional experience on Earth since its inception. The currency of creation in 3 dimensions are thoughts. Thinking, logic, theory, intellect, philosophy, rationalizing, assessing, evaluating, reasoning, conjuring and judging, are all products of thought. Thought is the conduit for absolutely everything that comprises the 3-dimensional reality. It has now been proven beyond any doubt that matter is empty space and does not exist. Matter arises out of light, a frequency that we harmonize with, in order to materialize what it is we believe to be real. “If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then ‘real’ is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.” — Morpheus, The Matrix Now let’s go deeper into what this light is, and […] Read More

A Neuroscientist Explains What Happens To Your Brain When You Meditate

Meditation is becoming very popular lately. Perhaps it’s the anecdotal evidence friends are sharing with each other or the fact that more and more science is coming out to confirm the benefits of meditation that it’s encouraging people to take up the practice. Meditation has shown to decrease stress, increase happiness,quality of life, increase gray matter in the brain, making people more compassionate, lowering blood pressure, increasing memory and more. A great series of benefits from such a peaceful practice. Meditation can be discouraging at times. It’s not easy to calm your mind, stop the thoughts and get into a space that is quiet. Since many of us, especially in western culture, are never taught to explore this practice at a young age it […] Read More

2014: A Neuroscientist Explains What Happens To Your Brain When You Meditate

Meditation is becoming very popular lately. Perhaps it’s the anecdotal evidence friends are sharing with each other or the fact that more and more science is coming out to confirm the benefits of meditation that it’s encouraging people to take up the practice. Meditation has shown to decrease stress, increase happiness,quality of life, increase gray matter in the brain, making people more compassionate, lowering blood pressure, increasing memory and more. A great series of benefits from such a peaceful practice. Meditation can be discouraging at times. It’s not easy to calm your mind, stop the thoughts and get into a space that is quiet. Since many of us, especially in western culture, are never taught to explore this practice at a young age it […] Read More

2013: The 12 New Rules For Prosperity

By Whitneay T. Vanwells Rule #1.  ‘Everybody is rich, but poor me’ … Or, ‘I am a money victim’ … You came into this life with past experiences from other times.  In those times you were rich, you were poor, and you sometimes starved to death.  Those past life experiences gave you a subconscious belief that you were poor, and that life must always be a struggle.  As an adult, you may continue to believe this, and also take great subconscious effort in re-creating and manifesting WRONG BELIEFS.  This is at the heart of the prosperity problem.  What you believe, you will see in your life.  It is Spiritual Law, – As Above, So Below.  Above meaning the higher level of your mind.  Below meaning, your physical life, and what you manifest in it.  Challenge your beliefs, that […] Read More

1999: Eleven Laws to Set You Free

by Guy Finley If we want to grow inwardly we must find new ways to learn about ourselves. These higher discoveries call for higher learning. Think of each of the following eleven laws as individual magic strands of a flying carpet. Make it your aim to weave them together in your mind. Then watch how these lessons combine to effortlessly lift you to a higher and happier life level. The First Law: Nothing can stop you from starting over. The greatest power you possess for succeeding in life is your understanding that life gives you a fresh start any moment you choose to start fresh. Nothing that stood in your way even a heartbeat before stands there now in the same way. It’s all-new, […] Read More


This simple dreaming while awake practice pulls the unconscious mind into the realm of the conscious mind. Meditate with a partner at dusk or in a low light situation with your eyes open. Look into each other’s eyes for a long period of time while blanking your mind. Let your eyes be slightly soft-focused and see. Allow any change in your vision to occur naturally. Be aware of the entire peripheral area and notice the highlights and shadows intensify. The face may disappear altogether or may change to other faces. Whatever you see, there is nothing to fear. A variation of this practice is to stare in a mirror in a low light situation. Another practice is to meditate facing someone, with your eyes […] Read More

A Separate Reality

You think about yourself too much and that gives you a strange fatigue that makes you shut off the world around you and cling to your arguments. A light and amenable disposition is needed in order to withstand the impact and the strangeness of the knowledge I am teaching you. Feeling important makes one heavy, clumsy, and vain. To be a man of knowledge one needs to be light and fluid. One has to reduce to a minimum all that is unnecessary in one’s life. Once you decide something put all your petty fears away. Your decision should vanquish them. I will tell you time and time again, the most effective way to live is as a warrior. Worry and think before you make […] Read More