Thought Forms Paranormal Materializations

“…´mediums´ in the Occident can, while entranced, automatically and unconsciously create materializations which are much less palpable than the consciously produced Tul-pas  [thought forms ], by exuding ´ectoplasm´ from their own bodies. Similarly, as is suggested by instances of phantasms of the living reported by psychic research, a thought form may be made to emanate from one human mind and be hallucinatorily perceived by another, although possessed of little or no palpableness.” – W. Y. Evans-Wentz, The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation “In 1973, a group consisting of eight members of the Society of Psychical Research in Toronto decided to find out more about these mysterious [PK] effects….The group was an ordinary cross-section of the population: an accountant, an engineer, an industrial designer, […] Read More


  Summary: A collection of statements by the Tibetan.    Thought-forms     “Man is constructing thought-forms all the time, and is following unconsciously the same method as his Ego pursues in building his bodies, as the Logos follows in building his system, and as a planetary Logos uses in constructing His scheme. A man speaks, and a very diversified mantram is the result. The energy thus generated swings into activity a multitude of little lives which proceed to build a form for his thought; they pursue analogous stages to those just outlined. At this time, man sets up these mantric vibrations unconsciously, and in ignorance of the laws of sound and of their effect. The occult work that he is carrying on is thus unknown to […] Read More

2012: Thought-forms

Summary: A collection of statements by the Tibetan.Thought-forms“Man is constructing thought-forms all the time, and is following unconsciously the same method as his Ego pursues in building his bodies, as the Logos follows in building his system, and as a planetary Logos uses in constructing His scheme. A man speaks, and a very diversified mantram is the result. The energy thus generated swings into activity a multitude of little lives which proceed to build a form for his thought; they pursue analogous stages to those just outlined. At this time, man sets up these mantric vibrations unconsciously, and in ignorance of the laws of sound and of their effect. The occult work that he is carrying on is thus unknown to him. Later he […] Read More