2012: Reality Versus Imagination and Illusion

By Remez Sasson The five senses make us feel that the world is real. Seeing the solidity of the objects around us, feeling the impact of the senses, it is hard to deny the validity of what we see. Everything looks real, and therefore, we never stop to question this reality. The mind is attached to the five senses and accepts everything as real without questioning. When we bump into a table or a wall, and we feel pain, it is difficult to say that we are imagining it. When we see with our eyes, hear sounds, smell, or when we feel heat or coldness, we accept these sense impressions as real. Some say that the world is an illusion, Maya in Eastern terminology. […] Read More

Reality Versus Imagination and Illusion

By Remez Sasson The five senses make us feel that the world is real. Seeing the solidity of the objects around us, feeling the impact of the senses, it is hard to deny the validity of what we see. Everything looks real, and therfore, we never stop to question this reality. The mind is attached to the five senses and accepts everything as real without questioning. When we bump into a table or a wall, and we feel pain, it is difficult to say that we are imagining it. When we see with our eyes, hear sounds, smell, or when we feel heat or coldness, we accept these sense impressions as real. Some say that the world is an illusion, Maya in Eastern terminology. […] Read More

What is Happening … ? to ? ? … The World and Mankind

The world is changing very fast and whatever questions you might have – most of your answers are on these pages! However, to completely understand what is happening to Humanity might take longer than a few days. It might even take a few weeks or months! It depends on your present level of awareness… If you would like to know most of the answers to what is happening, I suggest that you read all my Articles, Statements, OldSoulNotes, Cosmic Cookies and Poems. Start at the beginning again until everything becomes crystal clear. You will find an explanation for whatever is puzzling you. It took me almost thirty years to write what you will find on these pages. Be patient with yourself…Our World is a […] Read More


  Summary: A collection of statements by the Tibetan.    Thought-forms     “Man is constructing thought-forms all the time, and is following unconsciously the same method as his Ego pursues in building his bodies, as the Logos follows in building his system, and as a planetary Logos uses in constructing His scheme. A man speaks, and a very diversified mantram is the result. The energy thus generated swings into activity a multitude of little lives which proceed to build a form for his thought; they pursue analogous stages to those just outlined. At this time, man sets up these mantric vibrations unconsciously, and in ignorance of the laws of sound and of their effect. The occult work that he is carrying on is thus unknown to […] Read More

2012: Thought-forms

Summary: A collection of statements by the Tibetan.Thought-forms“Man is constructing thought-forms all the time, and is following unconsciously the same method as his Ego pursues in building his bodies, as the Logos follows in building his system, and as a planetary Logos uses in constructing His scheme. A man speaks, and a very diversified mantram is the result. The energy thus generated swings into activity a multitude of little lives which proceed to build a form for his thought; they pursue analogous stages to those just outlined. At this time, man sets up these mantric vibrations unconsciously, and in ignorance of the laws of sound and of their effect. The occult work that he is carrying on is thus unknown to him. Later he […] Read More

Belief and Reality: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

I am the creator of my reality – this belief is a very empowering one and one that is the cornerstone of many a mystical school. But what does it actually mean? “I am the creator of my reality” – it means that I am responsible for my thoughts and feelings, my attitudes and beliefs. Yes, fine. How do these create my reality? Well, my thoughts, feelings etc. are certainly responsible for my inner reality. But if  “I am smart and poor and you are rich and stupid” to borrow a line from the heroine of Erich Segal‘s “Love Story” I cannot change that external reality, or can I? If I am really smart I can use that smartness to become rich. If I […] Read More

2001: Human versus ET Superpowers

THE SUPERPOWERS OF THE HUMAN BIOMIND vis a vis THE PROBABILITIES OF EXTRATERRESTRIAL SUPERPOWERS ORIENTATION and INTRODUCTORY Ingo Swann (08Feb01)  The first purpose of this Section 5 is to provide a function within this Website in which exploratory hypothesis and speculation can be indulged and expanded upon. This is in contrast to Section 1, the Ingo Swann Database Regarding the Biomind Superpowers, in which hypothesis and speculation are held to the minimum.  As most realize, HYPOTHESIS refers to “a tentative assumption made in order to draw out and test its logical or empirical consequences,” and SPECULATION is defined as “to meditate on or ponder a subject.”  Speaking in the ideal, the basic function of hypothesis and speculation is not to make conclusions, but to […] Read More