Professor Says Time Travel Is Possible – Mathematically

A professor at the University of British Columbia has claimed that time travel is mathematically possible, though we’re unlikely to take advantage of said possibility in the foreseeable future. According to, Ben Tippett’s mathematical model appears in a study he recently published on the “feasibility of time travel.” It’s all a bit complicated, so I’d encourage you to head over there for a more detailed explanation, but to summarize: According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, Tippett says, it’s incorrect to think of time as a dimension separate from the other three spatial dimensions. Instead, all four dimensions (or directions) are connected, making up the space-time continuum. When space-time is warped (as with massive objects in space, like black holes), the time direction […] Read More

Andrew Basiago’s 1863 Gettysburg Time Travel Photo

Alleged chrononaut Andrew Basiago claims that in 1972 he was sent backwards in time to November 19, 1863. Where to? Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on the very day Abraham Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg Address. I’ve written about this before (see my article on Project Pegasus), but last week I received an email inquiring about Basiago’s photographic evidence, and thought I’d do a little digging into its origin. Here’s what I found. Photographs In Time Above Image: Andrew Basiago? Basiago claims he is the boy in the above photograph, and often shares it as proof of his time travel adventures. In this case, he says, he had stepped into a plasma confinement chamber in 1972 New Jersey, and hopped back to 1863 Gettysburg. There, he visited the dedication of […] Read More

Ex MiLab Operative Discloses Time Travel, Artificial Timeline Manipulations and Breakaway Group Operations

I had the fortunate opportunity to speak with Aug Tellez several times, and knew that what he remembers in his “milab” and time travel related experiences to be of extraordinary importance. For one, most “experiencers” of such operations rarely can remember such an expansive level of consciousness perception on many levels of awareness. For many in these kinds of secret projects, memories come slowly, usually later in life and not without difficulty in other areas of their lives. Many milabs and those who have undergone any level of MK Ultra programming have trauma and PTSD issues, memory suppression, as well as various levels of interference and “handling” in their lives. Image: Insurgent movie The excessive handling and interference serve to maintain security of these […] Read More

CERN LHC Accidentally Opened Time Portal,Caused Iberworld Airbus A330-300 To Time Travel 5,500 Miles Across The World

Media reports also failed to give details about what caused the blackout that affected millions of people across South America.According to conspiracy theorists, a series of experiments conducted at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) facility in Switzerland, as part of preparations for restarting the machine in November, 2009, triggered an “anomalous event” that generated a “time warp.” And as the “time warp” or “time wave” reverberated across the planet through ancient pyramid complexes in South America, it crossed the path of a jetliner in flight and transported it, in an instant, to a location thousands of miles away. THE TIME WARP CAUSED A MASSIVE BLACK OUT The “time warp” or “time wave” also caused a massive black out across South America that plunged millions […] Read More

Ex Milab Operative Discloses Time Travel, Artificial Timeline Manipulations and Breakaway Group Operations

Interview with Aug Tellez by Eve Lorgen This is a written question and answer interview designed to be supplemented later with a Video Conferencing Web Panel Discussion with Aug. I had the fortunate opportunity to speak with Aug several times, and knew that what he remembers in his “milab” and time travel related experiences to be of extraordinary importance. For one, most “experiencers” of such operations rarely can remember such an expansive level of consciousness perception on many levels of awareness. For many in these kinds of secret projects, memories come slowly, usually later in life and not without difficulty in other areas of their lives. Many milabs and those who have undergone any level of MK Ultra programming have trauma and PTSD issues, […] Read More

Woman Claims to be From a Parallel Universe

by Scott McMan, GhostTheory We’ve all heard of alternate dimensions and universes. Many believe we are just a frequency away from an alternate existence. Still others claim that beings from other dimensions pop in and out of our world at will, somewhat like The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Now a story comes to us out of Spain about a woman who claims to have woken up one day to find her life and past had changed.  Unfortunately, she remembers a different reality than those who know her best. Lerina García, a 41 year old, well educated professional opened her eyes one morning to discover she was in what she later assumed to be an alternate universe existence of her own life. Garcia’s experience […] Read More

Trying To Find Time Travelers

A few days ago I was interviewed on a Canadian morning radio show about my research into so-called “cryptids.” We’re talking about the Chupacabra, lake-monsters, Mothman, and so on. During the course of the interview the host – in a very lighthearted fashion – asked me if I thought it was possible that what people are seeing might be animals extinct in our world today, but which are time-traveling back and forth from the periods when they were alive. Because that’s the kind of question daytime radio asks, right? I told the host I’m actually quite open to the idea that at least some of our cryptids may originate in other realms, or dimensions, of existence. Which had him momentarily stuck for words, I’m […] Read More

Time Travel, Time Machines & Alien Contact – A Rare Interview From 1964

This recording is from the KVOS Channel 12 Films, Center for Pacific Northwest Studies, Western Washington University, Bellingham WA. 700 year old Nordics, Space Travel, Time travel (f =1/T), technology swap. Related articles Why the Usa Forced the Empire of Japan Into World War Ii The Horrors of Public Education The Quest For The Metal Library A Conversation with Jo Ann Richards Regarding Captain Mark Richards U.S The Age of the Pyramids The Conquistadors encounters with Giants

Plausibility of Time Travel

This might seem like a subject of Science Fiction, but it encourages a lot of thought in matters both physical and philosophical. A recent paper in Scientific American discussed whether time travel is indeed feasible and why current physical and philosophical objections don’t preclude the possibility of time travel. I’ll attempt to describe how they deal with the objections here and explore the plausibility of time travel. First, relativity allows for time travel into the future: as I mentioned in a previous missive, journey at a very high acceleration and you’ll return to earth years into the future, aging only slightly. This, of course, ignores the fact that we can’t travel at such high speeds as of now; this issue will be addressed later. There is a […] Read More

Traveling Through Time

What is time? Is time travel possible? For centuries, these questions have intrigued mystics, philosophers, and scientists. Much of ancient Greek philosophy was concerned with understanding the concept of eternity, and the subject of time is central to all the world’s religions and cultures. Can the flow of time be stopped? Certainly some mystics thought so. Angelus Silesius, a sixth-century philosopher and poet, thought the flow of time could be suspended by mental powers: Time is of your own making; its clock ticks in your head. The moment you stop thought time too stops dead. The line between science and mysticism sometimes grows thin. Today physicists would agree that time is one of the strangest properties of our universe. In fact, there is a […] Read More