Thought Power

By Sri Swami Sivananda A DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY PUBLICATION Sixth Edition: 1997 (2,000 Copies) World Wide Web (WWW) Edition : 1999 WWW site: HTTP://WWW.SHIVANANDADLSHQ.ORG/ This WWW reprint is for free distribution © The Divine Life Trust Society Published By THE DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY P.O. Shivanandanagar—249 192 Distt. Tehri-Garhwal, Uttar Pradesh, Himalayas, India. CONTENTS PUBLISHERS’ NOTE PREFACE 1. THOUGHT POWER—ITS PHYSICS AND ITS PHILOSOPHY Thought Excels Light in Speed The Medium Through Which Thoughts Travel The Ether of Space Registers Thoughts Thoughts Are Living Things Thoughts Are Finer Forces Thoughts As Wireless Messages Thoughts Are Tremendous Powers Thought-waves and Thought-transference Marvels of Thought-vibrations Diversity of Thought-vibrations Conservation of Thought-energy The Cell-theory and the Thoughts Primal Thought and Modern Science Radium and the Rare Yogi Thought—Its […] Read More

1999: Thought Power

By Sri Swami Sivananda A DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY PUBLICATION Sixth Edition: 1997 (2,000 Copies) World Wide Web (WWW) Edition : 1999 WWW site: HTTP://WWW.SHIVANANDADLSHQ.ORG/ This WWW reprint is for free distribution © The Divine Life Trust Society Published By THE DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY P.O. Shivanandanagar—249 192 Distt. Tehri-Garhwal, Uttar Pradesh, Himalayas, India.                    CONTENTS   PUBLISHERS’ NOTE PREFACE 1. THOUGHT POWER—ITS PHYSICS AND ITS PHILOSOPHY Thought Excels Light in Speed The Medium Through Which Thoughts Travel The Ether of Space Registers Thoughts Thoughts Are Living Things Thoughts Are Finer Forces Thoughts As Wireless Messages Thoughts Are Tremendous Powers Thought-waves and Thought-transference Marvels of Thought-vibrations Diversity of Thought-vibrations Conservation of Thought-energy The Cell-theory and the Thoughts Primal […] Read More

Losing your mind? Upload your brain and gain eternal life

A doctoral student at McGill says computers could help humans achieve immortality. While the scenario may sound like an episode of the X-Files, Randal Koene envisions a network of uploaded brains. The question is, who gets a shot at prolonged life? by Kathy Zucca Despite medical advances, humans are still subject to the law of aging; at some point our bodies break down and we die. But death may not always be the end result. The latest in humanity’s quest for prolonged life involves scanning brain tissue and creating an equivalent representation of the mind. Though still in the theoretical stages Mind Uploading, also known by the more technical term “Whole Brain Emulation,” could one day allow people to continue living long after their […] Read More

The Big Secret and The Education of our Soul

~ Behave as if you are the world and everybody in it ~ The Big Secret on earth is – that mankind is not in control of itself. There are Alien and Secret Forces of a higher density that have great influence over Mankind! These Fourth Density and Fifth Density Alien Beings, in combination with certain World Governments and their Departments as well as other Organizations, make sure that certain happenings take place on earth. These Forces are in control of all major Governments and form the Actual Force in command of all major events on earth. The Forces on planet earth are represented by the NWO or the Illuminati… They rule the world and they are behind happenings like the 911 WTC destruction […] Read More

2012: The Big Secret and The Education of our Soul

~ Behave as if you are the world and everybody in it ~ The Big Secret on earth is – that mankind is not in control of itself. There are Alien and Secret Forces of a higher density that have great influence over Mankind! These Fourth Density and Fifth Density Alien Beings, in combination with certain World Governments and their Departments as well as other Organizations, make sure that certain happenings take place on earth. These Forces are in control of all major Governments and form the Actual Force in command of all major events on earth. The Forces on planet earth are represented by the NWO or the Illuminati… They rule the world and they are behind happenings like the 911 WTC destruction […] Read More

The Observer’s Position

Before we can understand why the world is so disharmonious we need to know what we as human beings actually are. … To have knowledge is Human …  … To have awareness is Divine … Please consider the following… We are spiritual beings who have come to earth in order to live in human bodies. This means that temporarily we become a human beings or think we are one. However, we are not the body! We are a Cosmic Energy or Soul living within the human body. As a human being we are an instrument of our Soul. Souls animate and direct the body and perform a very important function. Our soul is The Infinite Light itself… Not in harmony with Mother Nature… We […] Read More