Wait … Did CP3O Always Have Silver Leg?

In the original Star Wars did CP3O have a silver leg? He did now. Excuse the swearing in this video, but it pretty much captures the incredulity many feel about what seems to be a significant factual change: [embedded content] If you have the bandwidth to do try this on, consider that what you are experiencing as “your life” might be a simulation, perhaps created by the quantum computer offspring of artificial intelligences which humans created in the past … before humans went extinct. The idea is that something called “the singularity” happened, super robots took over the earth and for one reason or another, we are now living in their game. If that is the case, we’d expect seemingly impossible things to happen […] Read More

The CHRONOVISOR: A device used by the Vatican to look into the future and past

According to numerous reports and stories that have been published through the years, among the many alleged secrets the Vatican has, there is a device called the Chronovisor. The device enables its user to observe future as well as past events.  Many believe this device is one of the greatest guarded secrets humanity has ever had. Some even believe it is a crucial ‘tool’ which has allowed the Vatican to preserve its influence and power through the years. Ever since H. G. Wells composed his novel ‘The Time Machine’ many people have been left fascinated by the idea of time travel. Even Theoretical Physics dreams of the possibility of making it work one day. Everything related to time travel today is related to science fiction, or so […] Read More

The 432Hz ‘God’ Note: Why Fringe Audiophiles Want to Topple Standard Tuning

Image: Shutterstock The first time Ivan Yanakiev heard an instrument tuned to 432 Hertz, he says, it was like he’d heard God speak. In the men’s dressing room at the Musical Drama Theatre Konstantin Kisimov in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, Yanakiev, a young, National Academy-schooled conductor, had his friend, Velimir, tune his cello down eight Hz from the standard A=440Hz. They were arranging an experiment. Velimir, “a skilled cellist,” Yanakiev told me, started in on the prelude to Bach’s “Cello Suite No. 1 in G major.” “So, la, si, so, si so, si, so/ So, la, si, so, si, so, si, so,” Yanakiev sings to illustrate. It’s one of the most often performed and well known pieces by Bach, but in that backroom rendition, transposed not even […] Read More