The Plan to Turn Elephants Into Woolly Mammoths Is Already Underway

Image: Flickr/V.H. Hammer A man charged with thinking outside the box to solve huge societal problems with game-changing ideas at one of the world’s most innovative companies stood on stage at a future tech conference in Washington DC last weekend and told a genetic scientist that he “would love to be alive to see a woolly mammoth.” The genetic scientist looked back at him and laughed. “What, are you sick?” he asked. The implication of the exchange, between Google X’s Richard DeVaul and Stewart Brand, a de-extinction expert, was clear: There’s a mission to bring back one of history’s most famous animals, it’s already underway, and it’s closer to becoming a reality than even some of the most forward-looking minds think it is. For all the […] Read More


by Ken Meaux I take pleasure in sharing with you the following occurrence because I personally interviewed one of the parties involved, and have repeatedly gone over the incident with him these past six years. L.C. (his real initials) has been my friend for fifteen years, but as we visited together one day about six years ago, he told me of this most amazing event in his life which haunts him to this day. L.C. and a business associate, Charlie, (fictitious name) had just finished lunch in the small Southwest Louisiana town of Abbeville. Still discussing their work, they began their drive north along Highway 167 towards the Oil Center city of Lafayette about 15 miles away. The date was October 20, 1969, and […] Read More