The Purpose of Human Life!

We are Spiritual Beings on a Human Journey.
All Spiritual Beings are aspects of Manifested Creation.
Manifested Creation is Consciousness Evolving to higher Levels of Awareness.

The Purpose of Human Life on Planet Earth is to give Human Souls the opportunity to live in physical bodies and by means of this process awaken them to higher levels of awareness. The ultimate state of human awareness is the Christ Consciousness or Buddhahood. This is the highest state of awareness possible for human beings. To raise more than 30 billion Human Souls to this level is the task of many Co-Creators and Higher Entities. They are in charge of this planet and its population. To raise these Human Souls to maturity and beyond is an enormous task and it takes a very long time…

Planet earth is a Global Classroom and we stay in this 3D Classroom until we have graduated to higher levels of awareness. Once there – we are able to incarnate from these higher levels or densities back onto earth again. This means that our education in “how to consciously create in a 3D reality” can be continued. To consciously create in a 3D environment is our ultimate goal. I assume here however, that one can stop at any time and take a break for ten thousands years or longer. There is no hurry…

All this means, that we live many human lifetimes in order to awaken the Unconscious God Within and eventually reach the State of the Christ Consciousness. Not all Universal Beings go through this human biological process of Awakening however. There are other processes of gaining awareness and wisdom. I do not know much about these other processes and as a matter of fact I do not know nearly enough about our own biological paths. So, watch it Mary-Ann, don’t get yourself deluded by Gerardus’ Articles and then think you know something. Life is a million times a million more complex than a few articles from Gerardus. Don’t let these articles fool you into thinking that you know enough for now…

Anyway, let’s continue… One of the crucial points of human evolvement is arriving at the conclusion of who or what we actually are. We are the Creative Energy, or God, or TIL in human form. TIL is The Infinite Light. That is what we actually are! There is no difference between us and The Infinite Light, except that for now, we have a specific individual distorted vibration that prevents us from fully consciously connecting with The Infinite Light. Presently, we are our own individual limited event so to speak…

Once we know who or what we actually are – all Religions and Teachings become redundant. They are but stories! Yet, all stories are teachings. This is the point where our true education begins. The Infinite Light is not a Lutheran, a Hindu or a Presbyterian. We are the Essence of the Universe in pursuit of Christness. It means awakening to ourselves or awakening to the God We Are! This can be done without becoming a follower of a religion or teaching. We are our own student and teacher and always will be. In order to learn what Life in a Three Dimensional Reality (3D) is all about, we are subjected to a Global Play. This Play takes place on Earth and it is created by Co-Creators who exist in higher levels of Awareness. Many of these Co-Creators are fully graduated Human Souls. They are usually called – The Masters…

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The happenings or play in our world is a performance that is an illusion. It is an illusion that is experienced as a reality. It is a “reallusion” so to speak! It makes no difference what this reallusion is! The purpose of the play or performance is to awaken Human Souls. The Global Play is but the method – therefore it does not have to hold truth. It’s just a play or global set-up. It might even be possible to awaken people by means of a movie that lasts for thousands of years. The earth-school reality is actually a movie anyway – it takes place in our head. It takes place in our mind or awareness. It does not take place ‘out there’ somewhere. It only ‘appear’ to happen out there. Human life in a 3D setting is actually a dream. We dream (live lives) in order to awaken…

Physical reality does not actually exist (more on this below). Our environment is a perceived reality that is projected upon the screen of our awareness – it is all subjective. The whole of Universal Life is subjective! The reality we experience is a play upon our consciousness or awareness. It reflects what we perceive and what we perceive is different for all of us. We all create our own perceptions and they depend on our beliefs or the manner in which we have been brainwashed. Yes, all human beings are brainwashed as soon as they are born…

This Global Play is facilitated by the Elite or Illuminati of this world. They are the ones who are inspired by Co-Creators from higher levels or densities. Some people say, that without the Illuminati or Rulers, there would be more chaos than with these Rulers. I do not think so…

People of any country in general are not that violent, except for a few bullies who would run out of steam pretty fast. The way things are now – the Illuminati takes advantage of the bullies available and/or creates them in the first place – in order to create the global scenarios…

Many so called terrorists for example were created by the conditions they were subjected to. They were also trained in camps that were established by the CIA in decades past. In other words, the United States created their own enemies. Did you ever hear this before? We have seen the enemy and they are us?  Well, that’s it!  We do all things to ourselves…

Wisdom is the result of Experience and the task of the Co-Creators is to subject Humanity to certain experiences! That’s what we need – we need experiences until they come out of our ears so to speak. So, the actual Beings in control of this world are from a higher level of Life and these 5D or 6D “inspirers” or “scenarios creators” work through or by means of the Bullies, the Rulers or the Illuminati of our world. These people are basically mind-controlled by higher Beings. All this is a combined effort in order to subject the masses to certain experiences so that they may awaken. People are never going to awaken by sitting there drinking tea for example. Something that is hard hitting and drastic is needed to awaken them…

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Therefore, all major global scenarios are a ‘set-up’ or Play. To the masses the Play is real. The famous 911 affair for example was very real, but once we see through it, we know that it was the biggest Lie the world was told since Pearl Harbour. The Japanese Flotilla and its advance was known many days before it arrived. To continue, what we experience in physical reality are our perceptions. These perceptions are a subjective state of mind or knowing. Since we live in physical bodies we experience these states or illusions as realities. The scenario creators and the rulers of the world, can only get away with their set-ups as long as the masses are asleep… and that’s a given…

The masses are fast asleep and they are the ones who need to awaken. Therefore, the masses and many others, in this particular Kali Yuga period, are subjected to all kind of scenarios. These scenarios are plays and games include war, misery, rape, poverty, suffering, embezzlement, treason, lies, molestations, sickness and what have you. Many of these scenarios last for thousands of years. Conditions like these are created by those in charge, helped by those who rule the masses. These Rulers are under mind-control of many Co-Creators.

Hitler for example was a perfect puppet! So is Mr Push and his Cabal. Mr Push told us for example that God speaks to him. His God is a Negative-Energy-Entity that controls (read brainwashes) him from a higher level and tells him what to say or do. The trouble is that millions of Americans believe what they are told by their elected leaders and their media puppets! Humanity goes through several different universal cycles in order to awaken to who or what they actually are. Some of these cycles are thousands of years long. See this…

At certain times, certain world rulers take advantage of the sleepers and take the liberty to fill their own pockets. That is their lesson naturally!  Also, most world rulers do not really understand why and how things work in this world in the first place. Many of them, including Mr Push and his Cabal, have no clue what role they actually play in this Global Show. They think that they are doing a good job protecting America! Could it be that in the last 50 years American Governments have caused more trouble and violence in the world than all other Countries together? Don’t they know that Violence begets violence? Is this why most people in the world hate America? As mentioned before, we do it all to ourselves…

Could it be possible that the present American Government Leaders will end up in a situation that is similar to what happens in most American movies? Namely that in the end the criminals get caught and are brought to justice. No doubt many people are very suspicious about 911 for example, but to prove this in court, is another matter entirely. Interesting times we live in! The situations in the world, including those in the USA, are used by the Co-Creators in charge to awaken the masses. People who are selfish and insensitive enough to play the world’s bullies are needed in this End of Time wake-up period. Their particular personalities and characteristics are used in order to create the world-scenarios. We all play our role in this Global Performance. In the mean time, the entire scene on Earth is a global lesson in progress for all of us…

The entire world and its scenarios of wars, famine and whatever we see around us for thousands of years, are created by the main World Rulers or the Illuminati. These include the Religions, the World Bank and the ruling Politicians of all major countries. IOW: the entire scene on earth is a creation by the few to be experienced by the many…

As I mentioned before, not necessarily do most world rulers see it that way. They follow what they see as their own thoughts and ideas while in actuality their thoughts are inspired (read brainwashed) by higher Entities who tell them what to think and do. They are mind-controlled…

That is what Life on Earth is all about. The earth is a mind controlled planet or territory! To awaken to ‘what is’ means to awaken or escape from the conditioning and brainwashing that is prevalent in the mind-controlled prison called Earth. This awakening process by means of wars and suffering, might sound cruel or callous, we need to understand however, that the masses of human beings are just about totally unconscious. They need to be awakened by forceful measures. This is the way things are done in this world at periods like the Kali Yuga. Ask yourself this: why are there wars in the first place? There are wars because people join the military!


Sometimes, people on email list speak about the Rulers and/or the Illuminati and call them evil bastards or criminals. They blame them for what is happening on earth. These list-people do not quite know what they speak of. They do not really know what this Planet and its Play are all about. They ‘judge’ from a lack of awareness and this includes even authors who have written books about these world rulers in order to expose them. These authors are well meaning people and most intelligent, but they do not necessarily comprehend what the purpose of this Play on Earth is all about. There is a reason for all main happenings on earth…

Well, maybe some writers do understand why the Illuminati do what they do, but I have not heard them write or speak like I do. They might keep that to themselves – I do not know. Also, there are many email-lists and posters on these lists, who ‘roast’ just about anybody in the world but themselves. There have many judgements but no insight! Meanwhile, the purpose of this Planet is to awaken Human Souls from a very long and unconscious sleep. This sleep could well be a period of 300,000 years. I am not sure how long it is, but it is a lot longer than a few incarnations. To raise an animal to become human, and then to raise this human to become an authentic thinking human being – is a job that takes thousands and thousands of years. Praise yourself for reading this Mary-Ann…


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