The Real Matrix – Above and Beyond

by Val Valerian
From Matrix 5: Quest of the Spirit ­ The Ultimate Frontier ­ 2nd Edition
Copyright © 1988­20152013 Leading Edge International Research Group
There have been stories for years about experiments where a clear plate is placed in a
fish tank and left for an extended period. When the plate is removed, the fish generally
remain on their respective side of the tank. The same thing happens when you put gnats
in a covered jar for a while, and then remove the cover. Only a few adventurous
creatures emerge, but the bulk of them remain in their self­imposed isolation from the
rest of the universe. One of the primary attributes possessed by those few adventurous
individuals who escape the jar is awareness (awareness of the jar, the top and a sense
of “potential beyond the top”) that exceeds that of the general population. What
happened to the fish in the tank and the gnats in the jar? Somehow, their original intent,
freedom and nature was subverted by something else, first imposed from an external
source and then willingly, but unconsciously, self­imposed with equal vigor in deference
to the perceived existence of the status quo.
The same thing happens to individuals having a “human” experience. An interesting
description of this process was mentioned by author Tarthang Tulku in his 1978 book
entitled Skillful Means: Gentle Ways to Successful Work (Berkeley, CA: Dharma
Publishing, 1978, 5­6). Tulku summarizes the social process:
“Our obstacles to inner freedom are usually formed during childhood. As children we
know how we feel about things, and we seldom hesitate to make our feelings known.
But pressure from family and friends leads us to adopt the more narrow views and
patterns that conform to what people expect. When our natural ideas and feelings are
discouraged, we grow out of touch with our senses, and the flow of communication
between our bodies and minds is inhibited; we no longer know what we truly feel. As
the patterns of suppression grow stronger and more fixed, our opportunities for selfexpression
diminish. We become so used to conforming, that as we grow older we let
these patterns rule our lives; we become strangers to ourselves.”
Most social institutions of great significance on this planet (religions, governments and
cultural traditions) actively promote their version of information dealing with the ‘big
questions’ in life. Who are we? Why are we here? What more is out there? Yet, anyone
having the time to do any degree of research at all eventually realizes that what we are
faced with is a situation where open deceit has been institutionalized on a planetary
scale. Faced with that, how are we to find out the answers to these big questions?
The thing that people readily seem to do is search for a philosophy or other mental
paradigm (way of thinking or perceiving) in an attempt to balance the apparent failure
of the planetary social structure and give them a sense of peace of mind. But, that
doesn’t work, because the actual nature of what is happening concerns things that
transcend social consciousness, which is the main source of information for most
people. But, since you can’t solve a problem using the same perceptive viewpoint in
which it was created, nothing goes anywhere and everything stays the same with The
Game. You must get outside the box.
The 1999 movie Matrix was surely, in some way, metaphorically or otherwise,
patterned after the Matrix book series, beginning with the 1988 book The Matrix –
Understanding Planetary Power Structures, followed by all our other books, in terms of
discussing covert control and manipulation of the planetary population by nested
factions vastly different from what the population would expect, given their culturally
programmed view of reality. I have always marveled at the synchronicity of the
appearance of this film, in an almost “Montauk­like” fashion, in this time stream. Of
course, there are no ‘coincidences’ (linear perspective), only synchronicity (non­linear),
so that shouldn’t have been a surprise. Now that the movie is in the public mind, and
sequels are virtually “in the can”, the notion that “reality can be manipulated in order to
control the population” is now in the public awareness, albeit even as science fiction.
There is a long list of synchronicities connected with The Matrix, ever since I put it
together and published it in 1988.
In terms of the personal exploration of our planetary reality, as well as the control
systems behind it, one of the most useful developments during the last several years
was the understanding of the unique mental reality maps and belief systems that
characterize life experience on this planet. The seminal book on the subject, The
Paradigm Conspiracy, by Christopher Largent and Denise Breton, was allegedly
suppressed by the owners of the publishing company through “negative marketing” after
discovering that a staff editor had approved the project and it was printed. I made
contact with the authors, and they told me that they had been inspired to do the book
after they read Matrix II, which of course is another instance of synchronicity. And, it
was nice to have inspired such a piece of work.
You are encouraged to read The Paradigm Conspiracy, so you will understand of how
individuals and populations are socially programmed to think, act and believe by mind
maps, actively shutting down the internal nature of people and involving them in a soulabusive
social paradigm. In short, it is about the nature of a major component of the
Matrix on Earth. That’s why the senior publisher wasn’t too keen on marketing it. See
Appendix D for some of their observations. Get the book. My personal opinion is that it
is a vital key (along with the Matrix books) to understanding the local Matrix, which
here is for the mind what the Matrix was to the population in the movie: a barrier to
thought and perception.
This understanding is essential (for those predisposed to evolve their perspective) in
order understand and transcend the “box” which makes up the “social reality” in which
we individually live. The socio­technical side is covered in Matrix III. Now that we’ve
entered the next century, it is a certainty that many people have exceeded the mental
map of reality endorsed by orthodox social consciousness, and there is a greater call for
accuracy that has kept par with the search for truth, which of course is relative. To that
end, especially considering personal involvement with a series of very interesting
evolutionary processes during the last four years, a new Matrix has manifested itself –
one which far transcends all before it. The real nature of reality makes planet Earth a
grain of sand on a beach, albeit a very interesting grain of sand.
In terms of experience, reality has physical, mental, emotional, social, planetary,
spiritual, and dimensional­density aspects to it. Typically, in an attempt to define the
real Matrix, the last three are not figured into the equation (because they generate
knowledge and information which transcends social perception), and no one can see the
“box” or what it’s made of. On Earth, the general population is barely aware of
planetary aspects beyond wars and weather fronts. Spiritual aspects? Well, look around
you and see the blind lead the blind.
For individuals, these aspects form a unique composite that specifically suits each
unique incarnational experience. For a great many people, however, “reality” does not
include spiritual, planetary and dimension­density aspects to any significant degree.
Such people are totally immersed in social and cultural awareness, but have little else
in their lives, never suspecting that life is a lot more interesting than they could ever
dream. For many others, however, life is different and continues to evolve into a series
of interesting adventures where wisdom is learned and growth occurs in leaps and
bounds. One group isn’t “better” than the other. They just have different perspectives
and levels of general awareness at the box.
Non­Physical Experience is Statistically Commonplace
“The greatest illusion is that we have limitations”­ Robert A. Monroe
Many statistical studies have been done over the years on the population in order to
determine the degree to which people experience awareness outside and apart from any
awareness while in the physical body (Green 1968, Poynton 1975, Blackmore
1982,1983,1984, Irwin 1988, and Glicksohn, 1989). A conservative estimate is that 35
out of every 100 people have regular or periodic out­of­body awareness. That means
that in the United States alone 98 million people could be familiar with the idea, to one
degree or another, that they are not their body, but they as “persons” are more than
their body and can have awareness, mobility and a totally separate existence apart
from it. Yet, because of the degree of social programming in ‘body identification’ and
‘gender identification’, never mind ‘job identification’ and who knows what else, people
are hesitant to extend the implications of that knowledge into their lives, mainly
because they don’t know who they are or why they are here. Using these same
percentages, together with some deep knowledge about the nature of different kinds of
‘human’ incarnations on this planet, it is possible to say that theoretically 735 million
people out of 6 billion have had these kind of experiences at least once in their lives –
about 13% of the population of the planet can relate to experience and independent
existence apart from organic bodies. That’s a lot of out­of­body experiences!
Why 13%? Since at this time about 65% of the humans on Earth at this time are not, in
actual fact, Higher Self incarnations, that leaves 35% ­ so 35% of 35% is about 13%).
The majority of the human population at this time is actually incarnated animal spirit
from one species or another. The ratio used to be different earlier in the history of the
planet, I am told, and has varied depending on the dynamic present on the planet at
that time. More organic bodies are available here than Higher Selves can use for
incarnation purposes. It is known that Monroe knew about this, but never revealed this
in his books. That kind of “human experience” is different than the “human experience”
of Higher Self incarnations. More information on this is in the narrative. Ever wonder
why some religious belief systems feature reincarnation as animals? Now you know. A
member of the British royal family wanted to “come back as a virus” to get rid of
planetary population, when asked if he “believed in reincarnation” a couple years ago. If
nothing else, that statement lays his regressive awareness out on the table for all to
examine. Maybe he should go on Survivor.
Knowledge of the layout and dynamics involved with these realms is some of the most
closely guarded information on the planet, because public knowledge of the true nature
of reality could seriously damage earth culture control and manipulation structures.
See the article in Appendix B entitled Organized Planetary Out of Body Activities &
Polarity Influence, and it is for this reason that general exploration in these areas has
been discouraged by orthodoxy, along with frequent ‘reminders’ to re­stimulate cultural
and genetic programming relative to the body. They can’t have truly ‘free’ entities
wandering around telling the population they’ve been lied to their whole lives about the
nature of the universe, can they?
According to Robert Monroe, the research at the Monroe Institute encountered hundreds,
if not thousands of intelligent beings of all types, just a “phase­shift” away” from our
“reality”. However, in Ultimate Journey Monroe makes the statement that they did not
find any non­human beings in the physical universe. That statement, which is one of the
curious anomalies in the book, when compared with what we know to be the case, leads
one to wonder if it had to be put there because Robert Monroe was under some sort of
duress from the government folks who hobnobbed at the Institute not to add to the
existing public drama about aliens. That’s the only sensible conclusion, based on the
evidence. There are a couple more anomalies, and after you read and understand this
book you will have the knowledge to recognize them, plus you can re­read the Monroe
books with an understanding that exceeded that of Monroe himself at the time he wrote
the books. Monroe stated that at the time he wrote the book, the estimate for out­ofbody
experience was 25% of the population, yet available literature and studies dated
from years earlier indicated the approximation of 35%. Was this a deliberate slight
misrepresentation given to underplay the commonality of experience? You decide.
Matrix V represents, in terms of spiritual growth information, some of the most
powerful information that will ever be released on this planet, and it will help you “decode”
a lot of things. Only those who have, or are on the edge of, an advanced current
incarnational perspective will be moved by their Higher Self to find and read this
material. But, try and remember to walk your talk, striving for balance, and always opt
for the highest perspective, relative to the specific issue at hand, that you have in your
mind, in order to help maintain that balance. Frankly, this book is the only book that
exists on the planet right now that has this high level of information. For the advanced
incarnation, 98% of the literature and information on the planet is pure synthetic
bullshit designed to keep you in one box or another. It definitely frees up your time for
real evolution when you realign your priorities.
One recent television program on the Sci­Fi channel that started in 2000 is John
Edwards – Crossing Over, in which long­time psychic John Edwards becomes a conduit
for those “seeking validation” relative to relatives that have passed. To the audience,
and probably John Edwards himself, the “place” he is communicating with is just “over
there”, as opposed to “over here”, with no other information. Which, of course, is why
it is allowed on public programming. Even this little bit of “cosmic leakage” isn’t well
tolerated. On an episode of Larry King Live on March 6, 2001, John Edwards was the
guest. King brought on a Leon Jaroff (skeptic), rabbi Botech (religion) and Paul Kurtz
(materialist) in order to counteract the “paradigm­stretch” Edwards represented. Jaroff
is well known for his position, which isn’t far away from the “amazing Randi”, but more
technical. And, rabbi Botech was outraged that the public should be getting anything
like the Edwards show because it threatens the stability of religions. You could see the
frantic fear in the eyes of the rabbi. He was one step short of hauling out his prayer
shawl. Kurtz, the materialist, gave a predictably bland “can’t measure it from here, it’s
not real” routine. All of this was, of course, a foreseeable course of events. I emailed
CNN at Turner Communications (they invited comments) and gave them my opinion of
their circus performance, while at the same time giving them due credit for even having
him on at all. Their reply was curt, “Thank you for contacting CNN Interactive and for
giving us your input about Larry King Live. Comments are routed to the producers for
review and consideration.” Right. If they only knew the truth about the real Matrix,
well, they wouldn’t know what to do with it, I thought. Edwards is dealing with recently
passed beings dawdling on the 4th density, still attached to Earth programming, their
former incarnations, and don’t know there is anything beyond “over there”, which there
is, of course. It’s pretty much infinite. So are we.
Just as an experiment, time was spent reviewing the scope and nature of material
currently available to the public, especially on the Internet, about these matters. There
were so many ‘dead­ends’ spread throughout literature and New Age communities on
out­of­body experience, with information polluted by religious belief systems and
mindless mental meandering, that it’s a wonder anyone can get anywhere at all with it!
Not all the information was directly misleading, but the expanse of the information was
very limited.
Most of the material out there seems confusing – people having different unusual
experiences, but interpreting it from different perceptual viewpoints reflecting their
cultural mind set, yet it is the nature of their incarnational perspective that is most
important, not generally understood and almost always ignored, because the level of
investigation never typically rises above the perspective of social consciousness – a low
to mid­level incarnational perspective, and the people doing the investigation don’t have
a clue. There are people who do have a clue, who have accurate information and are
making it available. That’s what this is about. The information in this book arises from
continued, careful observation by several people over many years. The information is
not open to conventional ‘debate’, because this material is based on observational
experience, not opinions based on beliefs having no basis in experience. Get it? You can
surely have your opinion, but keep it to yourself to process internally, because it’s going
to change. That’s for certain. Things will begin to happen in your life after you read this
book, to the degree that you are aligning your persona with your Higher Self, which will
be profound – guaranteed.
Essential Resources and Recommended Reading Material
First of all, there are several books that we recommend that you read as soon as
possible, if you haven’t already, that will enhance your understanding of the context and
nature of the greater reality we speak of here. Read Monroe’s three books: Journey Out
of the Body, Far Journeys and Ultimate Journey, and as far as social mind control is
concerned, The Paradigm Conspiracy.
Robert Monroe: Pioneer
Robert Monroe (1916­1995), a veteran of more than 30 years of consciousness
research, was a true pioneer in terms of the evolution of human consciousness. The
notable work in terms of investigations into the future of man appeared in Far Journeys.
In those books, Monroe details his discovery that the Earth is surrounded by “bands” in
which individuals congregate after physical death, for varying lengths of time, based on
their individual resonant vibration and belief systems.
Monroe’s discoveries about these rings/bands are important because of what he
discovers later about them around the time period of 3,000 CE. Monroe discovered
that the Earth was surrounded by several rings, or bands, that appeared deep
gray or brown in color, and that these bands were occupied by discarnate or
exteriorized entities who either still occupied physical bodies or who had recently
left their bodies as a result of the death of the body. These bands, described in
order of their placement and progression away from the planet, appeared to be
broken out as follows:
The First Band: Lower Fourth Density
The first band appeared to be occupied by entities who appeared to have a
preoccupation with distortions of the original survival imprint, and were still bound
conceptually to time­space materiality. From the viewpoint of advanced entities Monroe
was in regular communication with, this first band reflected “a mass of discordant,
undirected thought radiation”. The first band is composed of several distinctly different
SUB­BANDS. The first band is the location of entities communicated with by John
Edwards on his Crossing Over program.
­The first sub­band was occupied by exteriorized entities who still attempted to
participate in physical life, albeit with no success, and seemed to be aware of nothing
beyond the physical existence they had left.
­The second sub­band was occupied by exteriorized entities who were still attached to
the physical body in current Earth space­time who were evidently in an out­of­body
state, attempting to continue with a physical waking activity. Because of this mode of
action, from an more expanded perspective they would seem to disappear from view
right in the middle of their activity (on that level) as they awoke back into their physical
­The third sub­band is occupied by exteriorized entities who have permanently left their
physical existence but do not realize it, and are trying to continue a habitual physical
existence, often remaining around familiar occupied bodies (still embodied friends and
acquaintances) while acting out emotionally­based drives and fears. Monroe viewed this
sub­band is one of the major blockages to the flow of human learning experience, and
stated that the number of entities in this area will keep increasing as long as specific
kinds of “human values” exist on Earth.
­The fourth sub­band is occupied by exteriorized beings who are still attached to the
“reality of physical matter” (on the third density), although they do realize that they
have become exteriorized. These entities have adopted an “anything goes” attitude and
mental framework in which they express themselves through “replicas” of physical
reality in unusual and bizarre ways. Monroe illustrated one example of a bizarre manner
of expression when he told of coming across a seething, squirming pile of human forms
trying to sexually stimulate each other to no avail, since they did not in reality still have
a physical body capable of such interaction.
The Second Band contains exteriorized beings that realize they are no longer in physical
form in physical human life, but left their physical life with no awareness or concept
that any other possibility for existence exists. Monroe observed that entities in this band
appeared to remain motionless and passive, but retained an air of expectancy.
Mid­ Fourth Density
The Third Band, or ring, contains exteriorized beings who know they have passed
through physical death, and still retain a “belief system” relative to “what to expect”
after physical death. It is this area that was mentioned in the book War in Heaven.
Because of this, the Third Band was broken down into innumerable sub­bands coincident
with belief­system orientation. From another viewpoint, if a number of people have a
similar belief (as propagated in religious belief systems, for example) they all end up
creating a “facsimile reality structure” where they all congregate because like attracts
like. Want to have your own flock for a while? It’s another “box” experience.
This band is perhaps the largest one, and is also a very manipulative place with all the
same game­playing and power struggles that went on in physical embodiment on Earth.
This band is also the source for the comment “there are many mansions in heaven”. It
is also worthy to note that those to “believe” that “there is one life to live and then
nothing” congregate at their own resonant level within this band. Monroe described
seeing billions of entities, lying in stasis, side by side, in rows. UNLESS YOU KNOW
welcome to an “extended stay” in this area within the Third Band. It’s just experience.
High Fourth Density
The Fourth Band contains exteriorized entities that are more “advanced” in
consciousness than those on the bands below, and have arrived from outside the band
areas to prepare for their final human experience on the Earth “below”. From the
perspective of those within this band, when an entity on Earth who is advanced in
consciousness “dies”, they quickly pass through all the bands and disappear from
perception “in a wink”. The Fourth Band is also where the “Park” on Focus Level 27 is
located. This is discussed in the narrative.
Future Visions: The Bands Disappear by 3000 CE
When Robert Monroe was taken to a period in his travels to the Earth in the future,
around 3,000 CE, he was surprised to learn that the deep gray and brown bands/rings
were no longer around the planet. Instead, there was a single flat ring, which radiated
light of its own accord. The ring was full of communication, but no discordant noise.
There were no cities or evidence of any mechanized civilization on the surface of the
planet. The air was clean, clear and the ecological balance of the planet was restored.
He questioned the entity accompanying him about the environment, and it was said that
the ecological balance was restored by design, not by virtue of a disaster followed by
random rebound back to health. There were no people at all living en masse on the
planet, and this was also by design. In fact, the whole planet was at a different
frequency level. The presence of the bands was connected with the simultaneous
incarnation process, which ended.
Monroe eventually came across entities on the planet, but they were non­physical and
used non­verbal communication. They told him that they did “use” physical bodies on
occasion, and that they kept the bodies, which they referred to as “containers”,
manifested from thought patterns using any mass at hand, in “energy cocoons” to keep
them preserved, ready for use and in good condition. These entities, even while
occupying a body, could transmute matter. One of them materialized a piece of fruit,
and gave it to Monroe, who consumed it with relish. They told Monroe he could
experience “compressed learning modes”, which they defined as being able to
experience “earth consciousness” from the viewpoint of every species – they could, in
essence, integrate their consciousness at will with any life form, experience that life
form, and disengage their consciousness from it. There had obviously been a heavy
withdrawal from survival imprints and the “body consciousness” of the civilization of the
“old Earth”. They could even have the experience of being “eaten alive” (the genetic
memory of horror for humans in a body for millions of years) – and pop out again with
ease. There was no need for “sleep”, and they could draw energy from ambient space,
whether they used a body or not.
Now, this is the interesting part. They told Monroe that entities newly arriving on Earth
at that time period first had to experience one human life cycle in a period of time
before the changes were made, and then they were allowed to spend time there.
Monroe was told that these one­time experiences were going on in the 20th century for
some of those destined to return to occupy the dimensional area around Earth in 3000
CE+. Those who graduated from the Earth environment in 3,000 CE did not return to
Earth. They no longer needed to experience Earth and could take on physical forms in
lessening degrees of density and radiation patterns until they no longer felt the need to
do so … on their journey to the infinite growth patterns of consciousness that are
available for all to experience, eventually.
The Experience of Spiritual Incarnation Through An Organic Body
Why come to Earth in the first place? Earth is not the only place in the universe where
there is a time­space reality system, nor does it lie on the only vibratory level where
there are space­time realities, but life here (because of the nature of life on Earth and
the extreme dualities and polarities involved) represents one of those places that
represents a unique challenge to any entity who has problems to work out that require
such a location. According to Monroe, any time­space scenario (of which Earth is a
whopper!) has unique aspects which contribute interesting ways to the development of
both intelligence, awareness and experience. You won’t find an entity like 6th level
jehovah entities who are even willing to go through such experience. Because of that,
many entities that reside on other vibratory levels have not developed knowledge of
what love, compassion and empathy really are – that’s why they feel the need to be
obeyed, worshipped, and identify with CONTROL and MANIPULATION. Going to a level
where the NORMAL non­physical rules of existence are suspended is beyond their
willingness to give up their identity with control.
Next, it requires that you select a propitious birth entry point with appropriate genetic,
environmental, social, political and economic patterns that you calculate will ensure
realization of the very purpose for your entry into 3rd density, despite the existence of
variable that could severely impact the realization of ones purpose, and the whole
journey may involve taking certain actions to realign the probable/possible income.
Since there are many who seek embodiment experiences (and many who seek to avoid
it at all cost), very often a specific kind of birth entry point is not available, and one is
presented with less than ideal circumstances. It’s sort of like bungee­jumping without
the cord.
Bam! Out of the tube with previous memories veiled and into the light. No longer in
your natural state, you suddenly discover that the physical body has severe restraints.
A while is spent playing with your toes and other strange appendages, trying to obtain
control over them before they obtain apparent control over you (that happens later
when “body consciousness” is reinforced to the maximum through social conditioning).
In your natural state, energy simply flowed to you. Now you have this overwhelming
desire to consume nourishment for the body, amidst a cacophony of sensory overload,
genetically­programmed drives (and later, raging hormones), genetically (and later
culturally) programmed response patterns which become habit, and genetic memories
from anyone who ever had anything to do with the DNA patterns the body is composed
of. Combine all of these with pain, pleasure, sexual stimulation and body­driven
emotional complexes. What a bungee jump! Since you are seemingly stuck in a
genderized body, you are subject to various brain learning mechanisms. Primary
learning occurs when you focus on something. What you do not have a focus on (when
you have a focus on something else) is the “stuff” involved with secondary learning
processes, and a third form of input occurs while your body is sleeping and you end up
in a brief, non­functional void. Initially, and probably throughout a good part of your
life, your attention is motivated by virtue of the pain­pleasure cycle. Then, you go to
cultural “school”. “School” is a process of non­educational programming stressing loworder
repetitive experiences and the physical senses, which results in an unnatural
situation centered around the knowledge, manipulation and control of physical matter
and low­order energy systems geared toward reinforcing survival imprints and social
ego­orientation, as well as BELIEF patterns, many of which are not at all based on
actual experience, which results in the establishment of a secondary psychological drive
in society to “look for what is true”. The process also eliminates any remaining threads
of contact with essence­memory and knowledge of your actual origin and identity. Then,
you “interact in society”.
Society is where the individual is conditioned to identify with the body and then the
ego/image, in that order, and accumulate emotional attachments relating only to
expression in a time­space reality, to the degree where a compulsive need develops to
re­enter the time­space continuum (trapped on the lower rings, again?) solely for the
purpose of satisfying the need to complete physical agenda. “Human” existence can
become addictive. The original genetic survival drive of the body becomes further
distorted through cultural programming and results in distorted patterns which focus on
body protection (where is that gun?), body maintenance (what IS that new aftershave?),
sexuality and reproduction, and the need to “protect things” that “one owns” in order to
“support the body”. As if that is not enough, sex as a creative act is distorted to the
point where it results in irrational and restrictive “attachments” and “commitments”
based on cultural ideas that are actually unattainable, besides being an addictive
perspective itself. But, they don’t tell you that, do they? You’ll understand a lot more
as you read this book. You are advised to go through the narrative once, read the
Q&A and then re­read the narrative for the maximum impression.
Important: You may believe you “are” a “male/man”, or a “female/woman”, when you
as an androgynous spiritual being operating through a body buy into the cultural lie and
the DNA programming that says or makes it seem you “are” your body and the gender
of the body. Are YOU really a “male”, or a “female”? No! However, most incarnations
here think they are! When you read the term “male/man” or “female/woman” later in
the main narrative, the author is talking about those who at this time believe they are
their body and gender, not the spiritual being who they really are. If you take some of
the material relating to gender “personally”, that shows your orientation, right? Right.
To be “offended” on one hand, and at the same time claim to be in a spiritual
orientation, just shows you’re trying to fool yourself. You can’t, so don’t try. You would
do better, to the degree you can, to move toward orientation with YOU, and alignment
of your “persona” with who you REALLY are. No one knows YOU better than YOU. Your
persona is temporary.
The focus on all of this is further reinforced (especially if the skin of the body you
inhabit is of a shade that provokes judgment among the unenlightened who identify with
the body) by cultural importation of opiate drugs by the controlling powers of society,
inundation with neurologically mind­bending pharmaceuticals and the rest of it, all of it
designed specifically to keep the attention of your consciousness bound within the
purview of the lower three structural areas of the brain, as well as to financially sustain
cultural and economic infrastructures based on ego, security, image, sensation and
power ­­­ all of which have absolutely NOTHING to do with WHO the entity really IS or
WHY the entity is here on Earth in the first place. All of this results in the “search for
the meaning of life”, because the creative energy within the essence, the spirit, is
functionally diminished to where the SOURCE and one’s true identity, is forgotten. All of
this transforms the previously benign, all­knowing being into a chaotic mixture of
reaction­based judgmental complexes, promoting psychological projection (instead of
assuming personal responsibility for one’s actions) and synthetic cultural reality to the
exclusion of all else. Are you sure you want to come to Earth?
Now you understand why the bands/rings Monroe discovered do exist. Don’t worry, we’ll
eventually get to the discussion of the future, but we must preface that discussion with
the following: How can you escape being tied to the rings once you leave your body?
You must realize, truly realize, that you are not your body, that emotional attachments
relate ONLY to space­time reality (the cultural environment), you must retain the idea
of love and release the idea of sexuality, divest yourself of sexual ties, and “lighten the
load” by refusing to bond lasting emotion to any physical act or the actions of other
beings, and make an effort to conduct yourself in the eternal NOW. Furthermore,
physical objects exist in space­time to be USED, not owned. We actually “own” nothing
and no one ­­­ even the body we use is borrowed material (even if the State decides to
establish a chattel mortgage on the body by virtue of the “birth certificate” and its
associated cultural adhesion contract, creating a synthetic reality structure it programs
us to “buy in to”). There is so much more, but that’s what this book is about.
Monroe’s advice about experience on Earth was to:
1. Store the memory, experience and wisdom in life and leave the emotion connected
with the experience behind.
2. Recognize that you are responsible for the results of your actions within a space­time
3. Enjoy the cosmic humor in life. You need to expand beyond social consciousness to
see it.
4. Seek to remove emotional energy from your being connected with pain/pleasure
connected memory patterns.
5. Maximize sleep periods, promoting tertiary learning processes, creating a break from
left­brain thought patterns and “physical input”.
A lot of these recommendations Monroe made with the intention of giving people
guidance on “purging” habitual thought patterns and beliefs. If everyone took his advice,
John Edwards would play to an empty house. Of course, that’s not going to happen.
Monroe’s Meeting With Some Incarnational Selves
An interesting interaction in Ultimate Journey, Chapter 12, occurred between Robert
Monroe and what he termed his “executive committee”. In his travels outside 3rd
density, Monroe encountered this group of entities who indicated that in all the times
during his life where he had anomalous incidents (such as coming through unscathed
after an accident, or finding something you really needed, just when you needed it, or
listening to a subtle voice and acting on it) it was them, either one or more, sometimes
even from other energy systems, who actually manipulated circumstances in physical
reality to allow “Monroe” to reach an understanding or goal which was in line with his
incarnational mandates – the main purposes, intent and experience desired by the
Higher Self in the first place relative to that specific incarnation.
Asked by Monroe if they were his ‘guardian angels’ “They” replied:
“We aren’t your anything. You and we are the same. You’ve been helping yourself all the
time. We are just the part that helps you remember.”
Most surely, adventures in consciousness are sometimes like psychotherapy on steroids,
producing tremendous leaps in understanding and knowingness. Monroe asked why
people went through multiple lifetimes, and it was indicated that the unique nature of
experience as a “human” meant that it was not possible to get enough 3rd density
experience in one incarnation. These other components of Monroe’s Higher Self
indicated that information from more than a thousand incarnations on Earth, relative to
his Higher Self, is immediately on hand:
“Every possible situation is here, every emotion. There is nothing you can encounter in
an Earth life that isn’t stored here … in fifty different ways.”
They told him that he had incarnated this time to pick up one final piece of experience,
and that after this “they would be gone” to a place only Monroe’s “I­There” (Higher Self)
could tell. They also indicated that there was another incarnation of his Higher Self on
Earth at the same time as “Monroe”, in order to maximize the chances of getting the
experience his Higher Self wanted. This “split final” approach is very unique, but it
made the two almost functionally equivalent to “parallel dominants”. For example,
“Monroe” was still hung up on Earth existence, despite his experiences, while the other
parallel incarnation in Russia was very psychic. They also indicated that other
incarnations of his Higher Self had been sent to Earth, but that “some become so
locked­up in a belief system that they never come back here, not even during sleep”.
They said, “We ‘lose’ nine out of ten that way. We are there to catch them when they
fall through the cracks”. So, we see that it is even possible to have multiple
incarnations in a single time period, but normally all the simultaneous incarnations are
in different periods because the different dynamics provide more varied experience.
Although not on 3rd density Earth, sequential incarnations in 3rd density are typical of
“alien” experiential processes. A lengthy experiential process for beings in societies
that are usually socially boring, where everyone looks the same, acts the same, etc.
Monroe pondered on the idea of the incarnations that had seemingly “run astray” by
being caught up in belief systems, and indicated that it seemed “like a waste”, but he
was told that much was learned from what happened in those experience – there are no
wasted incarnational experiences. It also appears that one task of Higher Self
complexes is to “pick up” previous personalities who had become so overwhelmed with
Earth life, it’s addictions and belief systems that “the essence of the personality was
unreachable”, and restore those personalities.
One of the more interesting discussions about what Monroe called the “I­There”, what
we refer to as the Higher Self, revolved around a discussion about an un­named field of
energy which penetrates both inside and outside of space­time, throughout all the
densities. According to Monroe, this spectrum of energy was seen as divided into
various “bands”, one of which involves an aspect of this field that actually “in­forms” or
enfolds intelligence into life forms. According to information given to Monroe, the Higher
Self is composed solely of this field energy.
Orthodox Research on Consciousness and Experience Levels
Although there are many sources of information relating to out­of­body experience,
research indicates that one of the main sources of technical information on
consciousness and levels of experience, and the multi­density infrastructure in which it
sits, comes from the work of Robert Monroe. We did a survey of literature generally
available on the subject, and very little work out there goes beyond subjective
description, sometimes tempered with semi­religious overtones and explanations
dependent on 3rd density cultural concepts or even babbling from 4th density entities
with one agenda or another. None of the orthodox literature even touches the subject.
The work of Charles Tart and a continual string of speculative thought from ongoing
conferences are about all the public seems to get.
Most studies of consciousness available to the general public seem to mix psychology
and psychiatry, together with a smattering of neo­Darwinism and body­identification,
resulting in a continual mind­matter circular discussion which has gone on for years
without achieving any success, because real “success” must come by virtue of a
paradigm shift which would expose their perspective as passé. So, people really have
no dynamic process of growth in this area available within most cultures on Earth. On
Movement from Physical to Non­Physical Awareness
The incarnational “hookup” to the human body appears to depend on a blending of the
energy field generated in the brain with the energy field present in the energy
connection with the Higher Self at a different density and phase difference. Monroe
developed a term “phasing” as a term to assess constant movement of the Mind focus
between states of perception, relative to movement toward or away from non­physical
Monroe also discovered that a specific kind of non­physical energy field interpenetrates
the entire span of space­time, including everything in 3rd density – he called it the “M”
field. This energy spectrum, at a local level, contains all thought emissions from every
being on Earth, with its cacophony of disorganized random thought patterns. According
to Monroe, and others who have spent considerable time personally experiencing levels
of consciousness, there entities “out there” who have the ability to manipulate specific
bands of this field to achieve certain effects for their own purposes. This field overlaps
the life forms on Earth, but is out­of­phase with it. Learning to “tune” parts of the field
“in” or “out” is part of the process of training. Robert Monroe was instrumental in
developing workable techniques. At one point Monroe allegedly developed a machine
that would literally exteriorize someone, but its use was discontinued. Hemi­Sync was
then developed for the use of students at the Monroe Institute and the general public,
and became a valuable tool for personal exploration.
Most people who have even touched on the subject of consciousness studies recognize
that there are different states of consciousness that one experiences, for instance, as
one falls asleep. There is, of course, that famous point between waking and sleep where
the body goes to sleep, often with detectable paralysis, while the mind and attention
remain fully awake. What is usually discussed is the progression from alpha waves
through delta waves of deep sleep, but there is more to this process than meets the
eye. According to the understanding provided by Robert Monroe, as the signals from
the physical senses fade out while the person remains awake, there is actually a
movement of consciousness deeper into this “M” field, where one eventually begins to
perceive series of whole new environments and experiences. Monroe created an
arbitrary series of numbers to measure the movement into the field, called “focus
levels”, matching distinct perceptual frontiers that appear as awareness moves into this
field with an ever­increasing numerical equivalent, creating an initial system to
measure the degree of “phase shifting”. The first step in focus is called Focus 10,
which is generally described as being in that place where the body is asleep but the
mind is awake and alert, the mind focus being slightly shifted from a normal state of
being awake, with input from the physical senses much reduced. According to Monroe’s
research, this level is consistent with the point of conscious entry into the physical
One of the most interesting levels reached next, as ones’ awareness begins to move
further into the field, was deemed Focus 12. Monroe used to use hemi­synch
techniques, unique sounds patterns, to induce movement into this area. After one has
been to Focus 12 enough times, the external sound patterns are no longer necessary.
According to Monroe, on Focus 12 lies the “gateway” to the Higher Self, among other
things. A part of what one experiences in Focus 12, at least in the early stages, are
movement of patterns and colors, and geometrical shapes. One method used to reach
the Higher Self is included in the Q&A section. Focus 12 is a level where individual can
have an access point to intuitional information about all their incarnations.
Experience begins to include intuitional information processing from feeling­based
data. The mind perceives through non­verbal precognitive filtering systems.
Access to usual human senses is diminished by about 80%. Synesthesia is a
common experience at this level of focus, where one experiences feeling colors,
seeing sounds, etc., as sensory processing begins to change. It appears that
between major areas “depths” of focus, there are zones where there is not much
activity at all, so­called “Null Zones”. Focus 13 and 14 are Null Zones.
The next level of interest was tagged Focus 15, marked by an extremely small amount
of sensory input from the physical and even more in the “M­field”. At this level
intuitional experience becomes very strong. A timeless place containing quantum or
large groups of information rather than detailed bits. Information about other places,
people, and elements of different time periods can be accessed here and will sometimes
be transmitted in “bundles of meaning” (Monroe calls them “rotes”). Focus 16 through
20 constitute energy levels that you pass through on your way to Focus 21, and do not
contain much of interest.
The state externally characterized by physical deep sleep and production of Deltawaves,
with the mind fully conscious is called Focus 21. In Ultimate Journey, Monroe
termed Focus 21 as “the maximum range of comfortable phase relationship between
time­space and M field participation – the edge”, and said that from this level of
conscious awareness one could verify all the material and concepts related in his books.
It is also at Focus 21 where it becomes apparent that movement from “place” to “place”
is a function of will, and that your real intention is a key to where you will end up,
instantaneously. This 4th density level is loosely occupied by various kinds of beings on
an ongoing basis.
The vast level of Focus 22 is characterized by human dream realities, as conscious
awareness moves further into the field. Lucid dreaming, of course, is characterized by
full awareness and the knowledge that you can control the reality you are dreaming
(producing). It is that knowingness which transforms the experience into a lucid one.
Being in Focus 22 and not awake is typical of someone who is in a coma. This is a place
where your awareness begins to move further into non­physical 4th density, and your
thoughts begin to directly manifest. Everything you think, is. Focus 23 is a lower astral
level populated by recently deceased individuals from Earth who do not realize their
transition, or believed there was no existence after physical existence (billions of
entities remain here asleep), and those who are temporarily stuck.
Focus 23 is the temporary residence of those who separate from the physical under
traumatic circumstances, through suicide, sudden death or disasters. Insane or nearinsane
emotionally driven beings are present. Sexual release is motivation of entity
inhabitants. This level is also known as the beginning of Locale II (Journeys Out of the
Body). The beginning of reality “where thought is action.” . For further description of
the activities, and denizens of this area, please refer to Journeys.
Focus 24 begins the area of where the malleable nature of reality makes it readily
apparent that realities are literally, “hands on”, a product of what you belief them to be,
as one may or may not realize one’s total responsibility for what one is literally
creating. This level is populated by discarnate entities or those stuck in aberrant
behavioral patterns which prevent them from realizing crucial aspects about the
nature of reality and moving on. Focus 24 is also described as part of Locale II.
(Journeys Out of the Body). Focus 24 is the beginning of the area of Belief System
Realities, which extends to Focus 26.
Focus 25 continues the 4th density band of Belief System Realities, where groups of
people who still maintain strong belief systems fueled by 3rd density Earth cultural
concepts congregate by resonance, since “like attracts like”. This level is also
populated by discarnate entities or those stuck in aberrant behavioral patterns,
which prevent them from realizing crucial aspects about the nature of reality and
moving on. There are areas in which entities stuck in every major Earth thought
pattern congregate, until they happen to wonder if there is more, and then they appear
to “wink out” and appear in another 4th density area coincident with their thought
patterns, or move to whatever resonant place suits them.
Focus 26 is the last area within the band Belief System Realities, and contains what
Monroe referred to as the “Religious Terminus”, where religious groups, people of every
ironclad Earth belief system, congregate until they realize there is more beyond where
they are. There is even a temple of zeus, with some people having even chosen to
appear like “jesus” and every other religious figure in order to play with, control or
manipulate the “ex­humans” who haven’t progressed. There are people here, flush with
the new­found power of personal reality manipulation, who see themselves as “god” and
even go so far as demanding to be worshipped! Remember the book War in Heaven?
Monroe related just such an incident in Ultimate Journey and described these areas in
detail in Far Journeys.
For the adventurous who aren’t burdened by heavy belief systems and have left their
physical existence behind (or who visit here through an OBE from the Earth’s surface),
Focus 27 begins an area that was created millennia ago, by humans who felt that
people needed a place to recover and examine life after their experience on Earth. This
level has been called “The Park”, where you can visit the library (containing every work
ever created on Earth, which of course includes this book) and virtually all knowledge,
even about things not regarding Earth. There are also places for life review, healing
centers, classes and all sorts of activities. Within the next millennium, this too will
disappear as everyone advances and it is just not needed any more.
Focus 28 is an astral “bridge” zone, a buffer area. Experience from here on takes on a
wondrous character, beyond anything you have experienced on 3rd density. Focus 29 is
where 5th density roughly begins, with advanced non­physical levels extending to Focus
34, where a great collection of Higher Selves experiencing Earth incarnations exist,
moving into Focus 35. Once a Higher Self decides that it has had enough of Earth
incarnations, all the incarnations will be “drawn in” and the Higher Self moves further
out into the field, up into the 7th or 8th density, where it will typically send out more
“probes” of awareness to experience things on these levels. There appear to be
several main “nodes” of the Higher Self, the lowest density one sits on the 5th, around
Monroe focus level 34/35, at this time for most beings having 3rd density incarnational
experience. There are a limited number of these “nodes”, although they extend well up
into the density levels, where experience goes into profound levels of expression. There
are no limits whatsoever, for anything, or anyone. You will create realities – with the
experience you have had on Earth and elsewhere you will know better what you do not
want to create, why, and how polarity­thought and lack of balance retard progression
and evolution.
The Potential Planetary Effect of These Explorations
Considering that one of the core beliefs which sustains the view of reality that is
programmed into the population is body­identification, supplemented and reinforced
with gender­identification (if you can get a person to “buy into” that too) and any other
identification process that leads a person away from discovery of Self and potential
evolution, what would it be like, theoretically, if the truth came out? There would be no
discrimination based on race or gender, and all the other synthetically created “ills” of
the world based on the body, including consumerism and the world economic structure
would go “poof”, as people no longer bought into the ubiquitous bullshit. Of course, we
are all really here, in the larger sense, because it is like it is, not because could be
something else. As an analogy, you don’t go diving and complain that there is an eel on
the ocean floor. You dive for the learning and experience, and you gain knowledge and
wisdom. You dive off the coast of the Bahamas because of what you find there, and
elsewhere because of what you find there. We are here, purposely, intentionally, to
experience and observe as a contribution toward overall growth. For us, Earth is a
“school”. In this incarnational experience, the vehicle is biological with distorted DNA
programming, further distorted by a toxic environment, and we have planet full of
sleeping ”humans”, most of whom seem to be “Forrest Gumping” their way through life.
That’s an experience, too. Coming in, because of the DNA alterations in your vehicle,
your complete memory access has been blocked. You have to work all your life here to
gain insight through experience. Talk about a challenge! The journey and the process
are important. What better place exists on 3rd density for this opportunity, for the
Higher Self, than on Earth in this timeline? Probably not many. Read on, find out why,
and learn about the real Matrix in which we exist, according to the author of the
following narrative, a friend of mine, who will reveal what’s really going on.
Val Valerian, August 2001

See also  The Full Spectrum Guide to Practicing Non Compliance in the Matrix

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